Transcript of the talk given at the Leicester National - TopicsExpress


Transcript of the talk given at the Leicester National Gathering: Hi - I am Frances Leader & I was Treasurer at the first Anti Fracking camp at Balcombe from July 2013. I now run the Protectors Travelling Fund & more recently the Anti Fracking International group on Facebook, which we didnt have before. That group has over 800 members and it’s still relatively young! So - its called Anti Fracking International and if you are not already added to it, feel free to add yourself it’s a public group. The object of the exercise is to think globally. Think about how this is impacting the whole world, but act locally in the light of globally. Now, how do we think globally? Health over Wealth! This has been my mantra since the 1st day at Balcombe. Because, at the moment, were dealing with the industry that is the most powerful industry in the world, we all know that! It has affected, in my life time, every aspect of our lives. In the last 62 years - that’s all! That’s nothing in the life of the planet and, in the last 62 years, we’ve gone from paper bags to plastic bags, we’ve gone from natural medicine to pharmaceuticals derived from oil products and we are constantly breathing in a chemical soup created from an environment using fossil fuels. Now I grew up in London in the East End - so as you can imagine I grew up with pea-soupers - I couldnt see outside my 1st floor bedroom window, all the buildings were black and I played in bomb sites. So what I’m saying to you is: I wasnt alive during the war, but I grew up in the results of war and if we saw a car in the street, in London, we would chase it screaming in delight! Since I was 4/5 years old we have now got to the point where we cant move for cars! We cant move for these products out of the oil industry that have trapped us - with no alternatives - trapped us into using oil products! Even the music business was hijacked, so that we could have vinyl records, and we were addicted to high energy music so that we would buy vinyl records and literally store oil effluent in our own front rooms! Health has not been over wealth since they brought in smokeless zones in London! That’s the last time they engaged it. Health over wealth is where we have to get back to now. This is not a local issue, this is a global issue. Not a national or a city issue - this is a global issue. Air does not know boundaries, it moves and it mixes and it is destroying glaciers, it is destroying the world as a whole! It is destroying farmland... it is pouring down all sorts of strontium, barium, aluminium particles at nano levels - super minute... into all our food, all our drink!! You know the rest, this is not news! Recently, David Cameron went to the United Nations and forced through a piece of legislation that he’d already written up for our country. United Nations Resolution 2178. Note!! 21.... what does that mean to you? Agenda 21 Resolution number 78. Does anyone know what that is? The most devastating piece of international legislation that has been sneaked through and approved unanimously by United Nations, and it’s a piece of legislation that makes us into terrorists! What we are doing right now, we are communicating with each other and holding a meeting. That is regarded by the UN as dissident anti government behaviour. It seemed innocuous! The way that this resolution is worded is so brief and so innocuous and so loose that any Government with draconian behaviour is more than capable of encompassing all objections to it, under this resolution. And in obedience to it, the grand United Nations, the New World Order, this resolution for Agenda 21 has already been implemented in Spain, this week and now, as of 2 days ago, it is illegal to gather together in a public place, to object to the Government, to photograph or film the Police. Every single case that we have won in Balcombe, Barton Moss and elsewhere has been won because we’ve had photographic, film evidence or live-stream evidence, that our actions were innocent and we were being attacked by the police! We will no longer have that facility …... in fact everything we do as protesters is now going to be illegal as of this week in Spain and THAT is the experiment ….( Question from audience…..inaudible….) Can we discuss the ramifications of your opinion of what the UN Resolution effect is, later, after I have finished the talk? It shouldnt take me much longer! So this UN resolution, has permitted all governments of the world, that are part of the United Nations, to clamp down on protests. Move on to TTIP! Everybody knows what TTIP is. It is our number one enemy! With TTIP the most devastating thing can happen!! There’s the oil company. It get a licence to drill. The local people kick off - that’s you and me. If they don’t get granted planning permission, they, then, under TTIP, have the right to sue the government and the local councils for billions of potential lost profits - their imagined lost profits! So we are in between a rock and a hard place. Do you understand where I am going with this? Its very serious. If we succeed with getting it banned, as France & Germany have done, we will be playing right into the hands of the powers that be! Because without having to lift a drill, without having to raise any infrastructure they can still make billions! So - we are in between: letting them drill and risking our health, (no way will we have health over wealth) or defying them, as we are doing now, and not letting them get their drills in the ground and risking them suing our country into abject poverty! When already world wide, everybody is in extreme debt! Add on to that the ability to sue for imaginary profits because they ARE imagined, unless they get their drills into the ground, you are putting the whole world into severe debt. Right. Infrastructure Bill - that is in the second reading. They have just done the second reading in the House of Commons. Hidden in that, Clauses 38/39 of the Infrastructure Bill, are all the permissions the Oil companies need to do as they wish. They may drill down, they may drill out in any direction they choose and they can leave anything (and it literally does say ‘any substance’ - that is the wording ‘any substance’) under ground. Under our homes, our businesses, our land and above all - our aquifers! so you look at this - all the way through - we’re scuppered!! From the start: We cant think globally, because we are being attacked so dramatically locally! We cant put Health over Wealth, because they put wealth over health! We cant argue with UN Res. 2178 - because its written, its done, its signed by David Cameron with glee!! Oh boy, he’s rubbing his hands together! TTIP..... we HAVE to defend against this! This is where we should be placing all our attention. Occupy, Friends of the Earth, and God rest them, Greenpeace have all been misdirected into not pushing for this..... But are saying: oh, we’ve got to do camps, we’ve got lobby our MPs, we’ve got to talk about fracking. Fracking is one symptom - because if TTIP & the Infrastructure Bill goes through, not only are they going to be putting frack fluid underneath our houses but they are going to put nuclear waste - (because they don’t know what else to do with it) and the oil companies will make even more money by renting out that space, that they have created in those wells, to put nuclear waste UNDERNEATH OUR LAND! End of....
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 21:24:46 +0000

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