Trinidad Express front page on Dana slammed The following is an - TopicsExpress


Trinidad Express front page on Dana slammed The following is an editorial published by an online media site: Will and no Grace: Express digs through Seetahal’s estate The Trinidad Express newspaper and its editor-in-chief Omatie Lyder pushed the boundaries of good taste this morning as the leading daily newspaper made the last will and testament of slain attorney, Dana Seetahal SC, its lead story. And, to be clear, Mr Live Wire means that Lyder pushed “Good Taste” into a dark room to be water-boarded, beaten and probably forced to listen to Winston Dookeran speeches ad nauseum. At a time when the Budget, a brazen attack on the Besson Street police station, gay rights, Trinidad and Tobago’s stance on ISIS, a missing police file on Junior Sammy’s son, Sean, and the accidental shooting death of 17-year-old Ricardo Mohammed by a lawman all cried out for further probes and analysis; the Express opted to rummage through Seetahal’s gifts to her family, friends and staff members instead. And why? Well, the only reason given for the intrusion by the Express was because the paper “obtained” it. It is possibly the weakest justification for screwing someone since former NBA star Earvin “Magic” Johnson, in his admission that he was HIV-positive, said he slept with hundreds of women because they were there. Investigative journalist Anika Gumbs and her boss, Omatie Lyder, may never have to explain why naming who got the cash and who got the furniture from Seetahal’s estate was a matter of public interest. Did Seetahal leave all her earthly possessions left to former insurrectionist Yasin Abu Bakr? Was there an autographed picture with former Iraq President Saddam Hussein? Or maybe a book on conflict of interest bequeathed to Attorney General Anand Ramlogan? Then how could Express justify this invasion of Seetahal’s private space? Wired 868 publication
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:50:30 +0000

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