Truth Minute: Smells like Teen Spirits? (Teen Peer Pressure - TopicsExpress


Truth Minute: Smells like Teen Spirits? (Teen Peer Pressure Videos/Vines) *Note the reason for the blanks is because I dont want to give away my utterly irresponsible techniques of my youth The more I see videos of kids holding their ____ and passing out, putting _____ on themselves and setting fire to it...taking a can of ____and making it a flame thrower, giving someone a ____ in the throat, jumping off houses, pushing folk off ______ while you are driving, or running down the hallways at school and _____ a friend in the CHEST, the more I know that God was gracious by NOT allowing Facebook and MySpace to be around when we did it LOL...(we had AOL and scanners back then as well as a lightning fast 56 kbps internet connection AND no one did it for the vine...ok we did but it was VHS!!) so young folk be careful, I know that some of you will try the crazy stuff (I did too BUT I drew the line if it involved too much pain or risk) So what does the Bible say about this new yet old phenomenon about peer pressure? Proverbs 1:10-15 (MSG) Dear friend, if bad companions tempt you, don’t go along with them. If they say—“Let’s go out and raise some hell. Let’s beat up some old man, mug some old woman. Let’s pick them clean and get them ready for their funerals. We’ll load up on top-quality loot. We’ll haul it home by the truckload. Join us for the time of your life! With us, it’s share and share alike!” — Oh, friend, don’t give them a second look; don’t listen to them for a minute. They’re racing to a very bad end, hurrying to ruin everything they lay hands on. Just as some of us (ahem) SURVIVED the foolishness...some DID NOT and have died, live with health problems or have permanent scars as a result...have fun but be willing to say no to peer pressure and skip some of the stuff that will put your life in danger...youll live longer! ~Pastor Andre Martin P.S. Now where are those VHS tapes???
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 19:44:48 +0000

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