Truth Without Sugar Matthew 27:25…So here we have a response - TopicsExpress


Truth Without Sugar Matthew 27:25…So here we have a response from the Jewish people, “His blood shall be on us and our children.” WOW that’s quite a statement. How did that come across to Jesus? Can we focus on Jesus for a minute and what He may have been thinking when He heard those words from His own people. Hebrews says that Jesus was made a little lower than the angels (Heb. 2:9) and as we have seen in the NT Jesus still had to learn the same way that any other child of that day was to learn with no special privileges. My point being, During His ministry Jesus knew what He had to do, but was He – or - did He have knowledge of what people were going to say and do to Him during this time? Note Jesus in the garden as he wept, did He know what was really going to happen? And how it would start? He probably knew about the cross, when “Jesus wept” when He met with Mary and Martha concerning the death of Lazarus (John 11:35 and vs 38) “Jesus was deeply moved,” or when Jesus was coming into Jerusalem and wept for the city (Luke 19:41), (My thought here, because it should have been different). We should never forget that Jesus had emotion. As a human Jesus willingly gave up his heavenly status to become a man but yet ”The fullness of the glory of God dwelt within Him” (Col.1:19 & 2:9). But yet there were things that Jesus did not know while he was on this earth such as the end of times, “But of the day and hour no one knows not even the Son of man but Only the Father” (Mk 13:32). Jesus knew all that He had to know “as a man” while on this earth. I think that it can become quite easy to forget that Jesus was fully human and fully God but He came as a baby who grew into a man with natural form and tendencies but because of His honest and true faith in the Father He was able to do the things that He did plus feel emotion and sorrow in its fullest form. He felt the separation of God on the cross even saying “My God! My God! Why have you forsaken Me” (Matt 27:46). Do you think He just said that for affect? He asked three times “that this cup pass from Me.” Why ask this - if he did not have real human emotion. We can’t truly realize the separation from God but Jesus did because of His, very real, emotions and feelings. Like · · Promote · Share
Posted on: Thu, 16 Jan 2014 06:00:58 +0000

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