Truth is not something that you just find. It has to be sought - TopicsExpress


Truth is not something that you just find. It has to be sought even if it appears to be “just found,” some part of you was seeking it. One can read books that have much information in them, little sayings are picked up on that are remembered, but truth has to be experienced, it has to be lived. Inside of you is this little voice, the voice of knowing. It talks to you; guiding you and nurturing you. Some will avoid the truth because it seems conflictual with what they believe. Just remember; in the middle of believe is the word, ‘lie.’ Truth is part of the process of becoming; becoming the most complete you can be. Some even know the truth and yet deny it because it’s uncomfortable and fearful for them. Truth most often causes change and change is always a fearful thing. Change challenges you with the unknown. Truth is not always stationary. What is true today, without doubt, was not true yesterday with the same lack of doubt and may not be true tomorrow. Truth therefore must be sought all the time. One hundred years ago, much of what we have today was not even remotely part of the truth as it was known. Because some understood that truth was not stationary they pushed its boundaries; stretched it limits. If you are really a seeker of truth then you will be willing to listen to that little voice, the voice of knowing. You will look beyond the books and sayings and look into your own sense of knowing; your truth, that you are willing to stand in; your truth that you are willing to expand, to stretch. Then…then you will be a ‘truth carrier’. If one is to truly live within the truth, it requires that you walk away from those things that are untrue. One must not engage in gossip, hate mongering, self-delusion, and proselytizing. Truth is most often a quiet thing. It speaks in its own behalf. Perhaps each will decide to become a ‘truth carrier’ and will not only stand in the power of truth but will share it, if asked. –Will Davis
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 14:50:24 +0000

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