Tshidinyana Muhle Khoza Wrote: It seems that niggas tend to - TopicsExpress


Tshidinyana Muhle Khoza Wrote: It seems that niggas tend to forget that the numbers outweigh us. You forget that your girlfriend does not really need you,she has more choices than you. So the only reason she sticks around is because she loves you,but once you start acting Hollywood,those hundreds of thirsty niggas on Facebook start inboxing her,those really smart niggas start noticing her repetitive sad My boyfriend is mad at me! updates on BBM and Whatsapp,so they prey on her vulnerabilities. And we all know that most girls want that good guy,who cares for her,holds her hand in public - any guy who alongside her can idolise some televised relationship. You know she wants that Kim-Kanye typa relationship. A girl can get a 100 boyfriends in a month,maybe more. You as a guy,it will take you - your whole life to get a 100 girlfriends. So in a way GIRLS got the upper-hand since they have more choices. Like Shaun Sonwabile always tell me : Getting a girl is the easy part,keeping the girl is the hard part. If you cannot be better than her exs,and the guys who want her,then you are not a REAL BOYFRIEND You are a REPLACABLE BOYFRIEND. You need to improve the way you treat your girlfriend,or you will always be the guy who is replaced by other guys. Kuzoze kube inini amajita ekushaya ngestini? Hahahaha Akutsho mna but Aii nyansile sheim!! :/ 
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 10:42:34 +0000

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