Tuesday, 13 January 2015 Give Me Complete Control Children of - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, 13 January 2015 Give Me Complete Control Children of My Divine Heart, Rejoice. I stand before you in glory. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am that I Am. I Am. Open your hearts to My love. Surrender in all confidence. Give Me permission to work in you. I have plans for you, Beloved. Surrender, and allow Me to reign over your hearts, and minds. Give Me complete control. Abandon your fears. Abandon what you have grown to accept as the norm. Abandon the ways of the world. Draw near to Me, Little Ones. Do not fear differences. Do not be afraid to walk the Earth as My ambassadors. I will provide all that you require. I will guide, and protect you. Persevere. Gift Me with tokens of obedience this day. Obey My commandments, and be holy. Simplicity is important. Value simplicity. Forget your competitive nature. Dont live for your neighbors approval. Live for Me. Ponder this teaching. Examine your motives. Be right with Me. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Monday, 12 January 2015 Call On Me To Strengthen Your Resolve Children of My Divine Heart, Rejoice. I stand before you in love. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Draw near to Me. Abide in Me. Thirst for My love. My love for you is everlasting. It is by far the greatest gift you will ever receive. Beloved, accept My love. Grow in love. Lead others back to the fold. Love is all that matters. Follow My commandments, and be holy. Walk the Earth as My ambassadors. Kneel before the One True God. I will command you, if you so desire. I will direct your every step. Draw nearer to Me with each passing day. Do not waste time. Keep track of time. Spend it in prayer. Spend it in adoration. Pray for world peace. Pray for My divine will to be made on Earth as it is in Heaven. Gift Me with tokens of your affection, and obedience. Gift Me in Love. Adore Me, and uproot all sin from your hearts. Satan plans to destroy My creation. Demons are loose upon the Earth. Demons control many for humanity refuses to believe they do exist. Bind these evil spirits when you can. Bind them for they will impede our progress. Bind all that is not of Me. Pray for discernment, and call on Me to strengthen your resolve. Do not curse. Do not wish calamities to befall your enemies. Persevere in this. Heed My warning. Be holy. I invite you to persevere, even when all seems lost. I bless you now. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Sunday, 11 January 2015 Each Day Must Bear Fruit Children of My Divine Heart, Draw near to Me. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender in all confidence. Give Me permission to transfigure you in love. I await your fiat. I await patiently by your side, in all silence. Accept to love as never before. Love for Me. Look to the cross for divine inspiration. Gaze upon My love for you. Look to the cross to lead your every step. Uproot all sin from your hearts, and lives. Make all necessary sacrifices to grow in holiness. Break the chains which bind you to people, places, and occasions to sin. Be vigilant. Persevere. The greatest spiritual battle is now underway, and many are loosing it. Call on Me to strengthen you. Call on Me to raise you to holiness, and to provide all that you need. Trust in Me. Celebrate your progress. Celebrate with Me. Each day must bear fruit. I count on you to do your best. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Saturday, 10 January 2015 Break Free From Social Expectations Children of My Divine Heart, Abide in Me. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Draw near to Me. Open your hearts. Desire to please Me in all that you say, think, and do. Surrender, Little Ones. Give Me permission to transform you into vessels most pure. Accept My direction. Break free from social expectations. Live for Me. Do not allow yourselves to be corrupted by those around you. Live as saints. Too many fear rejection. Accept to be rejected for My most holy name. Follow My example. I will use you, and break many chains, if you accept. I desire to reign over all My creation. Assist Me in this undertaking. I will reward your compliance. I hope in you. Find rest in My arms of love. Let go of all fear. The only standards that matter are mine, My Little Ones. You would do well to remember this. I bless you now. My triune blessing is yours to share. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Friday, 9 January 2015 Model Righteousness To Those Around You Children of My Divine Heart, I thirst for you. I thirst. I Am the Great I Am. I Am that I Am. I Am. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender in all confidence. Give Me permission to work in you. So much remains to be done. Beloved, draw near to Me. As you rise in the morning, turn your thoughts to Me. Kneel before Me in adoration. Accept to obey My divine will. Accept to humble yourselves before Me, and to admit your wrongdoings. Repent. Uproot all sin from your hearts, and lives. Do not grow attached to sin or think it acceptable to Me. You can not serve two Gods. I Am the One True God. Serve Me, or know My wrath. Events foretold slowly fall into place. Nations are on standby. Wars will soon erupt. Pray for peace, My Little Ones. Many of your leaders pretend to desire peace. Do not be puppets in their games. Do not allow your leaders to manipulate you into submission. Fight for the Truth. Fight for what is right. Do not turn, and look the other way. Be aware of all that is happening around the world. Be vigilant. Satan has plans to destroy the Earth. Pray, Beloved. Pray without ceasing, and make yourselves obedient unto Me. Model righteousness to those around you. Do not fear. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Thursday, 8 January 2015 Never Give Satan A Grip Upon Your Souls Children of My Divine Heart, I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender. Give Me permission to transfigure you for My glory, and My glory alone. I created you for this intention. Live as saints. Be holy, Beloved. Do not rebuke Me. I will never change My standards. Keep My commandments. They are meant to guide you to Me. Persevere. Walk blameless before My sight. Repent of your transgressions. Seek out My consecrated Sons, and be right with Me. I never said it would be easy. Abandon your dreams. Abandon your ways. Trust in Me. Hope in Me. Wait on Me patiently. I will reward your obedience in due time. As you wait, pray, My Little Ones. Pray without ceasing, and abide in Me. I promise that all will work out. Do not fear. Refuse to give Satan a grip upon your souls. Never fear events foretold. Never fear anything. Allow your trust to grow. Trust in Me. Never place your trust in men, for they will deceive you, and cause you to falter. Ponder this teaching. Be true to Me. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Wednesday, 7 January 2015 Satan Plans To Destroy The Holy Institution Of Marriage Children of My Divine Heart, I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Draw near to Me. I thirst for your love. Open your hearts at once. Do not delay. Surrender. Give Me permission to work in you. I wish to claim your hearts this instant. Promise your love to Me. Be faithful to Me. Do not break the covenant which binds us. Respect your marriage vows. Live as saints. Honor Me through your marriages. Do not mock Me. Do not pretend to ignore My laws. I have engraved these upon your hearts. You do not fool Me. Refuse to be of the world. Live for Me. Persevere for marriage suffers greatly. Satan has plans to destroy the holy institution of marriage. Do not play into his hand. I count on you. I love you so. Love your spouses as you love Me. Love, and honor Me through this sacrament of love. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Tuesday, 6 January 2015 I Call You To Surpass Yourselves Each Day Children of My Divine Heart, Rejoice. I stand before you in glory. I Am. I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. Draw near to Me. Abide in Me. I thirst for your love. Accept My direction, follow My instructions. Help Me to change your broken world. Lead by example. Strive for holiness. Walk the Earth as My ambassadors of Love. Do not give in to sin. Persevere in love. Strive for perfection. I call you to holiness. I call you to surpass yourselves each day. Be holy as your Father on High is holy. Uproot all sin from your hearts, and lives. Live for Me alone. Let all that you say, think, and do bring Me glory. Repent of your wrongdoings. Walk in faith. Let Me guide your every step. I love you with an everlasting love. Be true to Me. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom Monday, 5 January 2015 Let My Joy Shine Through You Even Through Trials Children of My Divine Heart, I Am the Great I Am. I Am the Alpha and the Omega. I Am. Open your hearts to Me. Surrender at once. Do not refuse Me. I have plans for you. I desire to abide in you. Give Me permission to transfigure your lives for My glory. I needs many to walk in grace. Accept My invitation to lead others back to the fold, back to Me. I will anoint you upon receiving your fiat. Beloved, harden not your hearts. Be true to your calling. Be true to Me. I will grace you with all that you require to carry this mandate to fruition. Trust in Me. Much change is needed in your world. Work in My vineyard, and let My joy shine through you even through trials. I bless you now. I leave you My kiss of peace. Shalom jabezinaction.blogspot.mx/
Posted on: Sat, 17 Jan 2015 12:59:12 +0000

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