Tuesday, August 12 THE LESSONS FROM THE WATER - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, August 12 THE LESSONS FROM THE WATER POTS ‘’Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert’’ (Isaiah 43:18-19) John 2:1-11 The new wine which Jesus miraculously provided was drawn from six water pots of stone. According to the Jewish custom, the water pots are meant to contain water for purification. The Jews wash their hands as they go out and come in with the water in the pots. Despite it was not normal to put wine in those pots, Christ made it happen. These are the lessons; God may bring solution to your case from an unexpected way, the way your miracle will come may be against the norms in your family, God may decide to drop the natural and take up the supernatural, He may move in an extra-ordinary way while you expect the ordinary and that is why you must not question Him when He instructs you to do things in a strange way. Imagine what would have happened if those servants at the wedding refused to fill the water pots with water claiming it should be for purification. They simply agreed to do the unusual for the uncommon to happen. Friend, I want you to know that God is coming for your help. It is certain that He is a compassionate God. While He instructs, don’t doubt or argue. He knows the best for you. The six water pots are symbolic of Jewish emphasis on outward cleansing and Jesus came to give them inner cleansing by the power of the Holy Ghost. Who knows? Your kind of miracle may also have kingdom significance. PRAYER; Father, Let my eyes of understanding be always enlightened to see the way you see in Jesus name. May I not be blind to miss my time of glory in Jesus name.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 03:00:00 +0000

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