Tuesday, August 5, 2014 we left Mats to go back to Stockholm to - TopicsExpress


Tuesday, August 5, 2014 we left Mats to go back to Stockholm to spend the day and night with Birgit and her son Victor. Victor is also Asas godchild and I met him last night at Boels. Birgit took us to Gripsholms Slott, (Griffin Castel) where we had a tour, in English. The young lady who led the tour was quite charming, knowledgeable, and entertaining. She guided us through some of the main parts of the castle and gave us lots of historic information about the royal families that lived there. She also gave little tidbits of rumor, gossip, and little asides. The original castle was built in about 1540. It has been altered and added on to since then. Gripsholm Castle has since 1822 been the home of the Swedish National Portrait Gallery, which is in the custody of the Nationalmuseum (The National Museum of Fine Arts). There is a vast array of portraits, some 4,000+, throughout the castle. And, there is an abundance of fine furniture and works of art found everywhere. In some ways, it reminded me of Versailles, in France. It is massive and glorious in all its splendor. We had a late lunch and back home we went. Somewhere along the way I mentioned I wanted to buy more cars candy and Birgit said I should buy it at IKEA because it was cheaper. Being a smart shopper, I quickly said okay, and off to IKEA we went. Stockholm is home to the original IKEA so that was even better. Birgit says you can never walk into an IKEA and not buy something, and shes right. OMG everybody!! Thank goodness there isnt an IKEA near me. The closest one in the states is in Atlanta. I would be there every day. It is fun, it is entertaining, and it is beyond awesome!! We went back to Birgits and left her there because we were going on to the phantom childs apartment. That would be Asas daughter that I, and my family, have never met. The car was packed with many of her belongings, and what mom was giving her, so, no more room in the car for passengers. Birgit and Victor took the train to Sofias and met up with us there. We unpacked the car and took all the stuff up to her apartment, on the 10th floor of a 21 floor building. Thank goodness for elevators! She has a fantastic view of Stockholm and, even though, Im afraid of heights I did venture to take pictures and look at the view. She took us up to the terrace so we could see all of Stockholm, but the lock was broken so we couldnt get in. A missed photo op. We ate pizza and visited with her for a while and then it was time for a I just met you and now I have to say goodbye moment. I am so very happy that I finally got to meet her. She has eluded me all these years. Hopefully, now, she will come to visit me someday. Back to Birgits we went, had some wine, and good conversation. Victor and I talked to the wee hours of the morning trying to solve the problems of the world. Not much success, but we felt better. Off to bed with a weary body and an aching heart. Asa will leave in the morning and my much dreaded goodbye will come. Save that for tomorrow or the water works will begin. Love and hugs everybody, Helen.
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 15:25:01 +0000

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