Tuesday…July 9, 2013…5:00pm…Bible Reading…The New - TopicsExpress


Tuesday…July 9, 2013…5:00pm…Bible Reading…The New Testament…The Apostle Paul The Black One’s Epistle to the Ephesians…Chapter 2…“The prince of the power of the air,” as explained by The Apostle Paul The Black One and understood by Kristosian Believers to mean Satan The White One and The Only One. Kristosian Believers believe that Satan The White One and The Only One along with his evil spiritual forces inhabit the region between earth and Heaven. Satan The White One and The Only One is thus pictured as ruling a evil spiritual kingdom—the demons and those who are against The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One. Satan The White One and The Only One means “the accuser.” He is also called the devil The White One and The Only One (4: 27). In the resurrection, Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One was victorious over Satan The White One and The Only One along with his evil powers. Therefore, Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One is the permanent ruler of the whole world. Satan The White One and The Only One is only the temporary ruler of the part of the world that chooses to follow him. The fact that all people, without exception, commit sin proves that without Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One we have a sinful nature. We are lost in sin and cannot save ourselves. Does this mean only Kristosian Believers do good? Of course not—many people do good things for others. On a relative scale, many are moral, kind, and law-abiding. Comparing these people to criminals, we would say that they are very good indeed. But on Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One’s absolute scale, no one is good enough to earn salvation (“who were dead in trespasses and sins;” 2: 1). Only through being united with The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One’s perfect life can Kristosian Believers become good in Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One’s sight. “The children of wrath,” (2: 3) refers to those who are to receive Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One’s wrath because of their rejection of The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One. The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One has destroyed the barriers people build between themselves. Because these walls have been removed, Kristosian Believers can have real unity with people who are not like us. This is true reconciliation. The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One breaks down the walls of prejudice, reconciles all Kristosian Believers to Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One, and unifies us in one body—His Body—The Church. A church building is sometimes called Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One’s house. In reality, Kristosian Believers must remember that Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One’s household is not a building, but a group of people, us. He lives in us and shows Himself to a watching world through us. People can see that Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One is love and that Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One is Lord as we live in harmony with each other and in accordance with what Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One says in His Word. Kristosian Believers are citizens of Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One’s Kingdom and members of His household. The Spirit of The Lord Yahh God Yehovah The Black One and The Only One is upon me…I speak only by The Holy Ghost The Black One and The Only One…Henceforth let no man trouble me for I bear in my body the marks of The Lord Yahshua Ben Yahh God Yehovah Kristos The Black One and The Only One…Ronald D. Jones…An Apostle…Overseer…Holy Ghost Temple…The Seat of the Holy Ghost…The Church Totally Dependent of Yahh God Yehovah…The Church of The First Born…The Church Militant…1821 McKelvy St. Quincy, FL 32351. (850)364-3153. (ronjon@netquincy)
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 13:09:05 +0000

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