Tuesday brought a lengthy and welcomed phone conversation with a - TopicsExpress


Tuesday brought a lengthy and welcomed phone conversation with a facebook friend about my sweet Beefy. We discussed at length his physical and emotional pains. She gave me some simple yet perfect suggestions to apply. I was suggested to increase Beefys vitamin D intake. This was determined based on the season change (less sunlight equals less natural vitamin D manufacture), Ethans medication (which prohibits prolonged direct sunlight exposure), his autoimmunity (vitamin D REALLY helps neutralize autoimmune disorders), in addition to his recent low blood counts (vitamin D helps to restore lost blood fluid volumes). Vitamin D also helps effectively ward off the flu virus (all those who contract the flu are actually vitamin D deficient). Not really a vitamin but actually a type of hormone, we use Thorne Laboratory brand Vitamin D drops. I also use their vitamin D/K2 blend which aids in the body absorbing the D vitamin and even remineralizing the teeth. Nettle leaf tea was also suggested. High in vitamin K, nettle leaf also aids in the stopping of bleeding, healing of skin problems, common cold prevention, IBS and diarrhea relief. I have no problem rotating this herbal tea into our at home selection. Pin worms was another possibility discussed that I believe may actually be affecting Ethan. The nettle tea and other dietary factors may hep relieve parasite infections but we are also looking into homeopathic parasite remedies to try. What could really turn into a smoking gun for us was the mention of fructose malabsorption problems with Beefy. Any loyal Lovely is well aware of Beefys bowel problems (which have unfortunately returned and made themselves prevalent for 2 weeks now). The chronic diarrhea that seems to have food triggers struck a chord with my friend and her familiarity with fructose intolerance. I will be contacting our pediatrician to see if they will schedule the fructose breathalyzer. If not, I will be purchasing an at home test kit for Beefy. I am dying to discover the root of his belly troubles. Should fructose be the culprit, we will gladly be eliminating it as entirely as possible from Beefys diet. Homeopathically, Ethan has been utilizing cell salts (#2 and #4) 4 times daily each. We are searching for other effective remedies to rebuild his body and blood on the cellular level. I am so pleased to finally be learning real ins and outs of homeopathy thanks to the people willing and able enough to explain it to me. Homeopathy can offer nutrition and healing all in one. It really is far simpler than taking a supplement approach. You all know that I would do anything for my Beefy : ) As always, mama is on the path towards true holistic healing. The symptoms your body displays are land marks to finding your way to health. Ive never agreed with suppressing them and refuse to tell my son that is his only option in life. I am always willing to pass on any information to interested parties, including contact information for personally recommended holistic practitioners. At very least, my very informative, caring, and educated friends give us hope for the future by giving us hope for healing.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 22:17:47 +0000

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