Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal had an interesting op-ed piece on - TopicsExpress


Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal had an interesting op-ed piece on the late Howard Zinn by Dr. David J. Bobb. Zinn seems to have epitomized, if not been one of the inspirations for the “Double V” of modern academia: Vitriolic and Vindictive (or Venal and Vicious, if you prefer). Zinn’s work helped inculcate generations of American students with a near-pathological contempt for and loathing of America as well as the natural rights of life, liberty, and property. Someone once commented that Zinn’s book, A People’s History of the United States(1980), became a bestseller due to so many professors forcing their students to buy it. An avowed communist and atheist who has been all-but canonized by the Catholic Worker movement, Zinn had an enormous, if often uncredited, influence on popular understanding of what is incorrectly termed “social justice,” that which solidarist economist Dr. Franz Mueller called “meliorism,” i.e., the demand that the material needs of “the poor” come above everything else, and are the sole focus of all activity, domestic, civil, and religious — a view specifically condemned by the late Pope John Paul II (Ecclesia in America, § 67). Zinn had his imitators, conscious or not. The books of bestselling author Kirkpatrick Sale come to mind, e.g., The Conquest of Paradise (1991), “paradise” being the theocratic Aztec Empire that practiced cannibalism and human sacrifice on a gargantuan scale, and engaged in genocide to provide sufficient victims for the altar and the dinner table. The “long lost” book by Fulton Sheen that shows the importance of freedom to religion, and of private property in capital (“creative wealth”) to freedom, is in the final stages of pre-press before being submitted to the printer. The projected release date is September 2, 2013, Labor Day, not September 1 as we originally reported. A number of prominent figures have said they are considering giving endorsements, and possibly writing reviews. –– Michael D. Greaney
Posted on: Sat, 17 Aug 2013 20:44:19 +0000

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