Turning Point Today YOU ARE BORN TO LEAD! September 28th, 2013 - TopicsExpress


Turning Point Today YOU ARE BORN TO LEAD! September 28th, 2013 QUOTE OF THE DAY: “LEADING IS A REFLECTION OF GOD’S IMAGE” Memory Verse: “Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground” Genesis 1:26. You and I were created with leadership instinct. This instinct is being transferred from one generation to another. An average human being is a leader irrespective of his/her present circumstance. You are born to lead! You are born to dominate, never to be dominated! Hear what God said; ‘And the LORD will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only and not be beneath…’ Deuteronomy 28:13. How do I know you are created to lead? How do I know you have God-given potential? How do I know you are not supposed to be dominated? How do I know the top is always your portion: Being made in the image of God means we are created to lead (Genesis 1:26). One way we reflect God’s image is to be leading. God commanded both male and female to have dominion. (Genesis 1:27). Leadership is not gender specific; both men and women have been given the ability to lead. We are to rule over the earth, not necessarily over each other (Genesis 1:28). We are not directed to rule each other, but over the earth’s creatures. History is largely the story of how men and women have perverted their God-given roles by trying to rule each other. All of us are to serve one another in the areas of our gifting and purpose (Genesis 1:29, 30). God created everything for a purpose. Our general purpose is to lead. Each person’s leadership is best exercised in his or her area of giftedness (Genesis 1:31). When you discover your gifts, you will naturally lead in those areas where you are most productive, intuitive, comfortable, influential and satisfied. Your leadership area had already been carved out: your purpose of existence! Always activate this consciousness wherever you find yourself. Ask: ‘Lord what is my specific purpose?’ You cannot lead where you are not gifted and except you exhibit your God-given leadership potential, you will always be dominated and relegated. This will not be your portion in Jesus name. See you on top! DIVINE INSTRUCTION FOR THE DAY PEOPLE YOU REGULARLY PRAY FOR ARE THOSE YOU RECEIVE GRACE TO LOVE. PRAY FOR AT LEAST FIVE PEOPLE IN YOUR CLOSET TODAY, THEIR LOVE WILL NATURALLY DEVELOP IN YOUR HEART, REGARDLESS OF WHAT THEY MIGHT HAVE DONE. PROPHETIC PRAYERS I assume my leadership role from now; I shall always be the head, not the tail in Jesus name Every satanic domination and manipulation, come to an end in my life now. A new me shall emerge in all respect from now in Jesus name. I reject satanic offers; back to sender now in Jesus name. FURTHER STUDY: Genesis 1:26-31. Read the Bible through in one year: Ezra Chapters 1 – 4. Remember to further prophesy on yourself!
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 04:08:44 +0000

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