Two little girls with giant hearts. And a vase filled with kibble. - TopicsExpress


Two little girls with giant hearts. And a vase filled with kibble. It happened at NoPo Paws in Portland, Oregon. Two young girls shyly approached the counter. A counter far taller than they were. With a nudge from their Mom, the older one speaks up. Wed like to donate to your food drive she says and pulls out her weekly allowance from her pocket. Carefully, she and her sister count out enough to donate a week and three meals to The Pongo Fund. On a day marked by insane consumerism, these two little girls forsook the Black Friday deals and stopped by just to make sure their donation counted. (this sweet moment told by Sarah at NoPo Paws) This story filled with love and kibble happened just a few days ago at NoPo Paws in North Portland. For the third year in a row they are dedicating their Holiday Pet Food Drive to The Pongo Fund Pet Food Bank. But that’s not all. Because every single kibble donated will be doubled by their distributor, Independent Pet Supply. Meaning one becomes two. And two becomes four. As in 2,000 pounds becomes 4,000 pounds. And thats A LOT of kibble! But wait...there’s more. Because this small-but-mighty store, the rock of its neighborhood although just a few hundred square feet in size, is also donating 10% of their entire October, November and December profits to The Pongo Fund. And thats A LOT of money! But still…that’s not all. Because Sarah and her NoPo Paws team also help dozens of other groups throughout the year. This is community giving at its best. They lead by example and are frequently the first one there for any rescue group in need. And sometimes Sarah will even step forward to foster another one herself. Because she’s that kind of person. Stop by and say hello and you’ll see why my 20-year-old Scooby always wants to visit there too. The high-quality treats are lined up on a vintage waist-high table, buckets and buckets of them. Try one. Try them all. Say hello. Buy something if you like but never forget to say hello. Because a few moments with Sarah will give you a smile you’ll carry the rest of the day. For you out-of-towners, Sarah will happily take your pet food drive contribution by phone. Go ahead and give her a call and add a few more kibble to fill the vase. Or just call her to say thank you. Because she deserves it. NoPo Paws, 2148 N. Killingsworth Street, Portland, OR 97217 – 503-477-8381. Sit. Stay. Eat. Live.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 15:46:14 +0000

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