Two years after a brawl at the Sikh Temple on Tierra Buena Road, a - TopicsExpress


Two years after a brawl at the Sikh Temple on Tierra Buena Road, a man accused of stabbing another took the stand to testify in his own defense. Parminder Kooner and Mangal Sanghera are each charged with assault with a deadly weapon and causing great bodily injury for wounds suffered by Ajaib Mahil and Balbar Bains on the temple grounds on Nov. 10, 2012. Kooner took the stand and testified through a Punjabi translator in front of a jury and dozens of spectators in Sutter County Superior Court on Monday after Deputy District Attorney Clint Curry concluded his case against the two. The trial began last week. In response to questions by his defense attorney, Geoffrey Rotwein, Kooner said he did not stab Mahil, he has no problem with the man, he was not involved in the fight, and he wasnt carrying a knife or a sharp object. Curry alleged that Kooner said, Youre one of them, before charging at his victim. In response to a question of the allegation, Kooner said, I didnt go close to him and nothing like that. Kooner said he attended a board of directors meeting as a board member, on the evening in question, where the board was to review a vote to extend term limits from four to six years. Some members left the meeting, and soon after he and others got word that there was a fight outside, Kooner said. He went outside and didnt know who was fighting. He said security pushed him back away from the fight. During the scuffle, his turban was knocked to the ground. Kooner said he understood that the Bains family wanted to regain control of the temple, which they lost in a 2008 election. Rotwein asked what Kooner thought about the idea that he might be voted out if the Bains regained control. I dont care, he responded. Curry raised the issue that the current board appointed Kooner to first treasurer in 2013 or 2014, in a time that Kooner isnt allowed to attend the temple. Kooner said that is true and that he currently attends the temple on Bogue Road. Rotwein completed his case Monday afternoon. Sara Rief, who represents Sanghera, called to the stand the head of a security company that provides guards during temple events, including the board meeting on Nov. 10. Security guard Joel Mead said he was inside the meeting when he was told over radio by another guard that fighting was occurring outside. He saw a mob-mentality fight involving swinging shovels, sticks and brooms at each other. His primary focus was disarming people, he said. He was asked if he saw Bains fighting with Sanghera. No, to my recollection, he said. He said he did not see Sanghera with a weapon. Curry asked Mead how much the security contract with the Sikh Temple is worth. Mead said about $100,000. Curry noted that the current board makes decisions about which security company to hire and asked if Mead is concerned that if Bains group regained control of the temple that Mead might lose his contract. Not at all, Mead said. The jury trial will continue on Wednesday.
Posted on: Tue, 11 Nov 2014 16:00:22 +0000

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