UDALL CAMPAIGN RESPONDS TO ALLEN WEH’S LATEST ATTACK AD The Udall campaign has responded to Allen Weh’s latest attack ad against Tom Udall’s record of fighting for New Mexico families. Udall Campaign Manager Daniel Sena issued the following statement: “On Jan. 1, 2013, Allen Weh’s radical Republican friends forced the nation into a raw deal to avoid massive tax increases caused by the so-called Fiscal Cliff. In what was one of the most divisive times for the Senate in recent years, the bill was written by a handful of senators and presented after the midnight deadline. Tom voted for it because he wasn’t willing to risk massive tax hikes for middle class families in New Mexico, but he was disgusted by the partisan gamesmanship. Situations like this are why Tom is fighting to reform the Senate and end the influence special interests have in Washington – like Allen Weh’s friend Karl Rove. “The truth is that Tom Udall is fighting for New Mexico families 100 percent of the time, and he’s willing to work with anyone to get things done for our state. He turned back efforts in his own party to cut a vital national security program at our labs. He helped save Cannon Air Force Base when it was threatened with closure, and he has always worked to keep our bases strong. When the Obama administration tried to take $26 million in mineral royalties from New Mexico, he got it back. He was one of the first to speak up about the scheduling scandal at the Department of Veterans Affairs and call for VA Secretary Shinseki to resign, and he helped pass a law that makes the VA more accountable and transparent than ever before. “While Tom Udall is talking about how he’s doing what’s right for New Mexico, Allen Weh has been fear mongering and pushing an agenda that would void 190,000 New Mexicans’ health insurance policies and cut Social Security and Medicare in order to get tax breaks for millionaires and CEOs like himself. Allen Weh is just way wrong for New Mexico.” dpnm.net/2014/10/02/senator-tom-udalls-campaign-responds-to-allen-wehs-latest-attack-ad/
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 01:04:34 +0000

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