UFO believers have a new discovery to debate today, the image of a - TopicsExpress


UFO believers have a new discovery to debate today, the image of a gun, it’s an object that looks like an artillery cannon plopped down in the sand of the red planet. Look at the picture and check out the shape, it is a shape that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the surroundings, so what is it? UFO believers now have a new Curiosity image from Mars, it looks like some kind of gun. UFO believers now have a new Curiosity image from Mars, it looks like some kind of gun. NASA According to Chron News on Oct 10, UFO enthusiasts are calling this latest find by Curiosity, a gun. Whatever this latest image is, it does not fit into the rest of the natural landscape of the red planet and it looks like it was created by something more intelligent than just the atmospheric weather conditions. The image was taken by Curiosity on July 29 and discovered just recently by a careful follower of the captured images from Mars that Curiosity sends back. As the website News Tonight Africa explains, these images are photographed by Curiosity, a car sized rover that roams the surface of Mars and then their transmitting journey begins. The images are then transmitted back to Earth and “scrutinized by the global Mars rover fans, who try to make a new discovery every time they look deep into the pictures.” This recent discovery is something that looks very similar to small artillery cannon mounted on wheels, which is described as something resembling a gun used during the US Civil War. You have to admit that there are way too many people who have come forward through the centuries to report seeing UFOs for anyone to dismiss all UFO sightings as bogus. If UFOs are making it to this planet, Mars is just a stone’s throw away in the scope of the galaxy, so why couldn’t aliens have explored Mars, just as the folks from Earth are doing today? If indeed aliens have explored the red planet, they could have left behind objects during their exploration, much like Earthlings do. With the International Space Station (ISS) constantly manned, they are bound to see crafts in space that are unidentified flying objects that do not hail from this planet. The latest image that looks like a UFO space craft was captured on film hovering in the distance of the ISS. This picture of the UFO went viral this week. In the scope of space, the ISS is best described as sitting in the wading pools of the ocean when it comes to the proximity of the station to Earth. It is very close to the shore of Earth. The Mars curiosity is the technology that has conquered the deep, deep ocean of space and that is where unexplained objects, UFOs and things never seen before would likely crop up. Mars is a desolate planet, or it appears to be with all that is known about it today. Scientist from Earth have created this latest exploration of Mars and if there were life on another planet, why wouldn’t they do the same thing? This gun image that recently popped up is seen anchored in the sand of the red planet could very well be from a UFO that landed to explore the planet just like the Curiosity Rover is doing today for scientist back on Earth. Whenever folks from Earth have embarked on space exploration, they leave traces behind. Rocket boosters that blow off into space and other pieces of the ship that are no longer needed are discarded. They would most likely do the same if they’ve explored one of the uninhabited planets in the solar system, leave unneeded items behind, which is probably what will happen when the Curiosity has done its job. Could this image that looks like a gun be something discarded by an exploration from another planet. It could have been there for hundreds of years, depending on how technology has advanced in other alien worlds. In the video above it looks as though Curiosity caught a picture of a UFO
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 15:21:33 +0000

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