UH OH! TOO MANY WORDS, YOU MIGHT KEEP SCROLLING LOL!! A DANCER PROBLEM THAT I HAVE: I hate the feeling of thinking someone or people find me annoying. Especially when it comes to dance and Im making an effort to help them. Its not in my nature to sit back and watch someone struggle or keep doing something wrong over and over again. I find it that I have to say something to them even if I annoy them by saying it or by trying to lend a hand. If I was struggling or needed help with something, I would love for someone to say something to me or help me so I could correct what Im doing wrong. No one wants to be the weakest link. So If I keep having to watch someone mess up allll the time on the same thing, that annoys me just as much as it might annoy you to hear me ask to help you correct it. Its like walking around with a huge booger hanging out of your nose and your so called friends would just let you walk around with it and not say anything. I always have a urge to say something so that me and who ever Im dancing with is on the same page and not walking around with a booger hanging out their nose or me having to dance next to someone looking crazy. Were only as strong as our weakest link.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Apr 2014 05:15:45 +0000

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