~ UN~SHAKE~ABLE ~ The world and everyone in it today is being - TopicsExpress


~ UN~SHAKE~ABLE ~ The world and everyone in it today is being shaken to the core of what we believe and who we are! There are so many illusions people have spent hundreds of years creating so that the world of materialism and selfish greed can be dominate in the societies men and women have created. So many of us are not satisfied with the false securities we see around us and are daily searching for what will truly give us peace and what we may find true happiness in. As for me, I have been finding myself being drawn to a deeper peace and confidence to follow my heart each day. This means a deeper letting go of the illusions and the education of the mind; all the things I was taught since I was a child about what will make us happy and make us feel at peace. I am finding more deeply each day it is not about the world around us, but the true deep connection and relationship we share with God. It is about the divine purpose for our lives and our relationships with the people around us in our daily lives so that we can come to a true rest within our hearts and minds each moment of each day, to live with peace and compassion. I have found the growth in my life has always been about letting go of what I think I know and learning what is possible beyond what I can grasp with my limited mind, to deeply believe what I see and feel with the Divine connection in my heart and that all things are possible if we just believe that anything of love can be created from the believing heart and soul! We realize the only limitations that we truly face in life are those that we create and impose upon ourselves and when we truly feel the most alone is sometimes when we have been separated to walk closely with God. We learn there is a purpose for our times of being alone and our times of being still. For myself, I see how everything I have gone through has prepared me for the changes and challenges I face each day now. I see my faith is growing stronger each day and my confidence to trust God and my heart to discern and see clearly the path before me to where no matter what happens I will be able to trust and believe what I know I am supposed to do each day, learning that our experiences from the past are all building blocks for today and tomorrow! I see in myself and my life that the purpose of all I have gone through and that I am going through now is to create in me an unshakeable Faith, courage and compassion, to where no matter what happens, I will not fall to fear, doubting or worry! I will simply be able to stay deeply peaceful and calm about life and everything around me and have confidence to take each step I know I need to each day. Then to trust that God will work out all the details on my behalf in the most positive way possible, much better than I could do for myself! There are several things I know and see clearly that are going to change in my life this year. I believe all of them will be in a very positive way, but at the moment, I am waiting with patience to allow this to all develop without me forcing anything, to let go and surrender to God’s plans for my life and not to worry about any of it myself. I am going to just do what I can each day to surrender to the process, to stay in the center of the river of life and to allow this river to carry me were it desires my heart to go. I have to have patience beyond what I have ever known, to have faith and trust beyond what I have ever known, and to rest in a stillness in my heart that I have sought for forty years now; a rest and peace I am coming to know and embrace more and more each day. I see some main points and key virtues that are maturing inside of me with my life experiences and my acceptance of Divine reality! To name a few: acceptance, patience, trust, faith, peace, gentleness, forgiveness, and the wisdom to know the difference each moment, to know which direction to take, to know what to say, when to say it, and when to remain silent and allow God to work for us! Many times I find this place of peace and then something happens in my life and I lose it. I then have to work to regain the peace and grounding and all that it takes to stay calm and in my heart! I have seen it so many times; these waves of darkness will come in and knock me down like the waves in the ocean. As I am growing and maturing, I am staying more peaceful and calm. If I get knocked down, I am getting back up quicker and I do not lose my peace as deeply or for as long as in the past. I see all the way around I have a lot less fear, doubt and worry than I have in the past. I am being able to follow God’s leading my heart with more peace and confidence all the time. I feel it is these very waves of darkness that knock me down that are the very thing that is teaching me to be stronger and overcome my deep rooted fears! I see we all have these deep rooted fears in life. It is simple and part of being human. It is these difficulties we face in life that give us the life experiences to help us to become more mature. It is also like when we ride a horse and we get bucked off or we get hurt. It takes a lot of courage to get back on the horse and try it again but I have learned we cannot let our fears or our pride lead us in life or we will forever be bound up in in the circle of pain, darkness and sorrow! It is only as we choose to conquer all the fear and our negative side that we can find a true place of peace and harmony in life! As we let go of our agenda and all the details of how we want our life to be each day, we surrender our lives and our will to God and the Divine plan for our life. As we do this, it will flow like a river. If we let go and just allow the river of life to guide us and take us were we are supposed to go, then we will find the greatest peace and harmony we can possibly achieve! Life and everything in it is truly about balance which we achieve with great effort with so many factors in the mix of things! It is about changing ourselves so we may be a part of changing the world around us. We have to make a huge shift in the energy of our planet to bring healing! We do this one person at a time! With much compassion! Aaron Website: spiritualhealing-enlightenment.us Email: aaronpierson777888@yahoo Videos: youtube/channel/UC1VPWru_32BIoPPBAKBgXxA?feature=watch or feel free to contact me on facebook: https://facebook/aaronwaynepierson
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:57:15 +0000

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