UNPROCESSED SEA SALT & ITS HEALING EFFECTS: Unprocessed Sea Salt is widely used by in south Indian kitchens for cooking. This unprocessed sea salt can be used by us for cleaning the aura & the environment in the house. Unprocessed sea salt is available at cheaper prices than branded processed salt. Unprocessed Sea Salt is normally available in loose form and looks like clear or translucent stone. Unprocessed sea salt is available in “parchun” or grocery shops serving south Indian food items. Methods of Use: 1. Mix a handful of unprocessed sea salt with a small bucketful of water. Stir until all the salt has dissolved. Use this mixture to bathe the head & body. After this, rinse with soap/ shampoo & plain water. This removes tiredness, laziness, negative feelings, pains due to exertion & roaming in a place or a crowd of people where negative feelings & emotions are abundant (places like the marketplace, a cinema hall, an office meeting etc.). Caution: Not to be used when there is a cut/ wound/ burn/ fresh operation cut/ stitches on the body. Otherwise the salt will irritate the affected area. Bathing once a week should be enough. 2. Keep a bowl (bowl made of ceramic or earthen material) of sea salt mixed with water on the floor in the edges of the room to cleanse it of negativities. Again, put about 3 to 4 tablespoons of water into about one litre of water. 3. Keep dry unprocessed Sea Salt in a plate & you can keep old jewellery & semi-precious as well as precious stones in it for up to a week. After this, throw the salt. By this time, it would have pulled negativity from the jewellery & stones. 4. Negativity is heavy & tends to settle on the floor & rises up like a pile of garbage from there. So, mixing unprocessed sea salt with water just like point one above & using the mixture to wipe the floors is very good to remove negativity from the residence/ office. This can be done twice a week in the beginning followed by once a week later on. The unprocessed sea salt takes away gross negativities which stick to the body & aura. We talk about negativities but may not know how to define them. Negativities are incomplete & therefore unbalanced energies. Negativities are looking for completion & balance. In today’s electronic world, electronic pollution is electronic & static energies emanated by various electronic items. Negative thought patterns, negative emotions and loud inharmonious sounds (even rock music is inharmonious for the aura but, for a short period, is good for the Mooladhar or root chakra which increases energy levels artificially for a short time; however, long periods of exposure to rock music can cause anger tantrums, emotional highs followed by emotional lows causing mental & emotional damage). Imbalanced electromagnetic energies coming out of tube lights, mobile phones, computers, television sets etc. cause the environment to become negative. These cause pains in the body, laziness, weakness, tiredness, depression, temper tantrums, stress, accidents etc. Unprocessed sea salt pulls negativities like a magnet but also loses its strength so it must be replaced periodically. Please remember, when the skin feels sticky, especially the hands & feet, negativities have gotten stuck to you. With practice, we can sense negativities easily. Easy signs of negativity in the aura are feeling of tiredness or less energy or confused mind all of which show lack of prana in the body & aura.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 09:25:39 +0000

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