UNVIELING COUNSELLOR CHRISTIANA TAH MASK OF INCOMPETENCE, TREACHERY, VINDICTIVENESS DECEIT AND CORRUPTION.(PART I) In her historic book ‘Lifted Up’ former first lady, Victoria Tolbert lamented and highlighted the enormity of deceits, hypocrisy, double dealings and above all, the outright betrayal of her husband, President Tolbert by his trusted officials and aides. She further recounted how on several occasions and intervals she informed the President of intelligence that borders on threat to his life which was brought to her attention by well wishers, family members, and a host of strategic officials of his Government with extensive connections including high profiled members of the Progressive elements, most of whom did not have the opportunity to meet the President, but saw her as a perfect conduit to apprise him of the impending danger. According to her, whenever she revealed said information to her husband, he would brand it as farfetched, and noted that his trusted officials would not dare do such a thing to him. As I read and listened to the press conference of Counselor Christiana Tah when she announced her resignation from the Sirleaf led Unity Party Government as Minister of Justice and Attorney General, a position she held for six years without any substantial merit and legacy to pinpoint, I couldn’t stop myself from uncontrollable laughter as I was clearly stunned by the sheer hypocrisy of her uncharacteristically porous revelation adduced which she said informed her resignation. Then again, I began to understand the unrelenting and hardened efforts that several behind the scenes personalities play and if you may, assisted in penning the thoughts as expressed in her statement which lazily attempted to tread unto forbidden paths and trespassed on dangerous grounds. Although mostly distorted of reality, and glossed with a flash of subterfuge or a combination of both, reasons given were all intended to deceive the gullible public by creating a caricature of the president as undemocratic. After I regained my composure of uncontrollable laughter, I began to reflect on the exigencies of the former first lady book, and thereafter took a cue from the headlines and commentaries of our local dailies, some of which headlined “Rhetoric President” says Former Justice Minister. Counselor Christiana Tah as Justice Minister was widely believed to be the second most powerful woman in the UP led Government besides Madam President. That is why allegations outlined in her press statement which heralded her resignation are indeed serious, and therefore needs to be analyzed critically. The statement did not only seek to do damage to the President, but it also brought into question the value system of all of those who worked in her administration for years, including Minister Tah herself. To work and gave legal addictives, and advice to most of the actions of the President required the congruence of the inner workings of the souls. There has to be some similarity of the thought processes of those who conjoin or worked together. Whenever and wherever there is a divergence of interests and perspectives, friendship and cooperation cannot subsist. This is why it is said that “birds of the same feathers flock together” The statement of rhetoric must therefore be reviewed from a broader perspective. It beats my imagination to see most of the gifted politicians, and legal minds the country has ever produced included in the rank and file of this administration under the leadership of a woman who is professed to play rhetoric when it comes to the rule of law. To take the argument a bit further, let us sink down to the level of animals. Psychologists tell us animals that are adopted my humans to abode in their homes soon take upon themselves some characteristics of humans. This can be proven by the actions of dogs, cats, horses and other domesticated animals that behave in manners far removed from their beastly nature. To turn the argument around, stories abound of many persons who abide in the company of animals for long periods of time ultimately began to act like animals. King Nebuchadnezzar and Benjamin Gunn are two famous examples of such. Thus if Madam President professed adherence to the rule of law is based on rhetoric, then Counselor Tah who served in the position as Justice Minister for six years, the longest at that Ministry in this Government cannot be any better, and in fact, the most culpable. For it is said he who lived among animals for long soon become worst than the animals. Anyone who condemned and criticized others and want people to take them seriously would firstly spell out their concrete and variable achievements as compared to those criticized, and condemned. But with Counselor Tah, her achievements at the Ministry of Justice is not worthy of enumerating because in so doing, the negatives will surpass the positives in proportions of astronomical magnitude. Despite the glaring reality that Liberians have transcended the act of blame shifting which make people to gain relevance, Counselor Tah continue to delude herself into believing that the louder she chattered, no matter how empty and twisted her rants, she will command sympathy from the Liberian people and her dismal performance at the Justice Ministry will not be highlighted, but rather forgotten. Such is the case of a miserable performer blabbing about the rule of law and seeking relevance the wrong way. I would never have commented on Minister Tah’s so-called resignation were allusions contained in her Press Statement were not intended to twist reality and do a monumental injustice to the presidency. Clearly her analogy is just another veil insult in the series of invectives, endless tirades and misguided shots against the President by one of her closest, and trusted aides, this time cloaked in the usage of useless phrases characteristic of a frustrated and desperate personality who became disappointed along the pathway because her domineering will was checkmated. Therefore, in this regard, such imaginaries and a twist of reality required a serious response. My intent of this piece of work is simply to unveil Counselor Christiana Tah to the Liberian People who are the grand jury of public conscience to be the ultimate judge thereafter. And certainly, in an emerging democracy like ours where freedom of expression is the fulcrum, the people’s sentence is the final. Interestingly, by openly spewing tirades against a sitting President by one of her trusted officials without any backlash shows that democracy is finding its own way into the epicenter of our nascent political dispensation and highlights the tolerant disposition of Madam President. A situation Counselor Tah pales in conparism. People who don’t know who the real Counselor Christiana Tah is will buy her moribund assertion as contained in her Press Statement, and consider it worthy of an iota of a pinch of salt. I am convinced, however that there are several level headed Liberians out there who can read between the lines and derived at a well informed conclusion. For those who don’t know her, to them I write this piece to firstly unmask a woman garb in behind the scene of several dirty schemes and antics to get even with colleagues and other officials of Government through subterfuges and auxiliaries, using the trust and confidence reposed in her by the President as a shield and weapon. And secondly to remove the veil of incompetence, treachery, vindictiveness, betrayal, deceit and corruption perpetuated during the pursuit of her career, and other professional endeavors. Born of modest parents, her mother hailed from Cape Mount County, and father from Maryland. She grew up on Benson Street at her family residence situated at the rear of the DSTV Office, adjacent to the Mosque. Attended and graduated from the Ricks Institute, a Baptist boarding school located in Virginia, outside of Monrovia. She attained a MA degree in Sociology/ Corrections, from Kent University in Kentucky, USA, a LLB and LLM in law from the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law, in Monrovia, and the prestigious Yale Law School respectively. At Yale, she majored in International Financial Transactions. She is married to Dr. Tah, a gynecologist, and almost twenty years her senior. The union is blessed with two children, a young lad, of less significance to society, and a budding young lady who is a caricature of her mother’s dual personality. PROFESSIONAL LIFE President Tolbert appointed her as Assistant Justice Minister for Corrections and Rehabilitation amidst heightened political unrest and tension in the country. The incarceration of student activist, and opposition Leaders were the order of the day. Her statutory responsibility was to administer the affairs of the prisons, and ensure that inmates are secure and protected. One notable case tested her resolve and exposed her incompetence to public glare. In 1978, a Lebanese businessman strangled to death Edward Gberrie, a university student working in his store for allegedly eating a bar of candy from the supermarket located on Center Street. After the death of Gberrie, the Lebanese was incarcerated, and imprisoned at the South Beach Prison Compound awaiting trial. A day thereafter the Lebanese was released by a prison guard who said he acted upon the authority of the Assistant Minister for correction, his boss, Christiana Tah. When the news got to Justice Minister Oliver Bright, he expressed shock and indignation at Christiana for taking such a rash decision without his authorization. She was rebuffed and warned. The release heightened political tension with both MOJA, and PAL calling for the resignation of the justice Ministry officials culpable in the release of the alleged culprit and to speedily bring to Justice the Lebanese. Embarrassed by the episode, President Tolbert vowed to execute a change in the justice system to restore public confidence. See (Vol. 4 No. 18 October 16, 1978 edition of the Liberian Inaugural). The April 14, 1979 rice riots occurred few months thereafter. Its rippled effects tore the body polity and the fabric of the Liberian society apart. President Tolbert subsequently dismissed the Minister of Justice Oliver Bright for his inability to ably administer the affairs of the office. He was succeeded by Counselor Joseph J. Chesson. Counselor Tah survived, and stayed on, but was reassigned in the office of Robert C.Tubman who served at the time as Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs. Subsequent to the Rice Riots, a year thereafter on April 12, 1980 The People’s Redemption Council (PRC) seized power, and overthrew the TWP Government of which she was serviceable. Shortly after the 1980 coup, she enrolled at the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law. After graduation with a GPA of 2.1, she was recruited as a Junior Law Clerk by the Maxwell and Maxwell Law Office located in the Providence Building on Randall Street, and headed by Counselor Christian Maxwell. Her principal responsibility was to write appellate briefs. A position befitting and commiserate with the GPA attained at the Law School. On several occasions she defaulted on task assigned, as her colleagues at the time some of whom including Counselors Varney Sherman, and Margaret Massaquoi whom she usually sought assistance would turn her down based on their own work load. An important criminal case which involved a Sudanese Refugee and a Syrian businessman was assigned her to analyze and research the applicable law and be submitted in two days. Sensing danger ahead, and knowing how infuriated her boss became with her when an earlier assignment was delayed, she solicited outside assistance from a young and brilliant lawyer name John Teewia. Unknowing to her, Teewia had being contracted by Counselor Roger Steele of the Steele and Steele Law Chambers situated at the corner of Front and Randall Streets, in the Mamarinda Building as head of litigation. As fate would have it, and unfortunately for her, Teewia was given similar assignment she requested his assistance. Counselor Steele was the Defense Counsel, and Counselor Maxwell was the Counsel of the Plaintiff for the same case. In those days during the late seventies, and early eighties both law firms, Maxwell and Maxwell, and Steele and Steele were rivals. Both saw each other as nemeses. Cases that Steele and Steele refused, Maxwell and Maxwell accepted, and verse versa. Such was the situation at the time when Counselor Tah’s incompetence was exposed again and brought to the limelight. Caught in the utopia to win admiration, and accolades from her boss who had earlier rebuffed her for lacking knowledge and the nuances of the legal profession, and basking with the thought of boasting thereafter to other junior colleagues, including Counselor Varney Sherman, of her success despite seeking outside assistance, Teewia on the other hand saw a glorious opportunity to win on behalf of his firm, accolades at Christiana’s expense since that was his first assignment. Teewia did assist in writing the analysis, but without any material substance and supportive evidence to corroborate the facts of the case. Maxwell eventually lost the case under review. After dismally performing at Maxwell and Maxwell, she was shown the exit. Shortly thereafter, Robert C. Tubman was appointed Minister of Finance. He hired her as his Special Assistant. As mentioned earlier, both worked at the Ministry of Justice prior to the 1980 coup. Shortly after President Doe assumed the mantle of leadership in 1986 as Civilian President, he sought to incorporate professionals from diverse background and persuasions to give his administration a national flavor, and international appeal. Mr. Tubman fitted in the new dispensation as he was regarded as a top notch economist and banker of international repute, having served as Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Liberia, and Managing Director of The Ecowas Fund based in Lome, Togo. As Special Assistant there were several administrative lapses that occurred almost daily. Sensitive financial documents were misplaced, and there were stories appearing in the media of daily happenings within the office of the Minister. She once upon a time sneaked to the press a call card of her boss where he wrote on the back and directed Comptroller General Wallace Powell to make a substantial payment of USD $453,538.88 dollars to the Standard Stationery Store on Broad Street. See (Suntimes Vol.3 NO. 72 Wednesday, November 11, 1987 edition). One notable episode occurred which has placed a dent on Mr. Robert Tubman’s professional career, and is currently haunting him today has to do with the mysterious disappearance of 2.5 million USD from the coffers of the National Bank. The disappearance was attributed to Minister Tubman which he admitted, but termed as ‘human error’. Little did Minister Tubman know that his Special Assistant was assisting him specially by siphoning sensitive documents to the press and to the 17 Americans Experts known as OPEX, through a Ghanaian computer operator known as Michel Amanoo. When President Doe received the information, he became so disappointed but vowed to honor the recommendations of the American Experts to have the hierarchy of the ministry replaced. See ( Vol. 5 No 185 Tuesday March 12, 1987 edition of the Mirror Newspaper), and ( Vol. 2 NO. 2 July 1987.CO-CO-LEO-COO, Liberia Action Party Newsletter).Tubman was subsequently replaced as Minister of Finance, and appointed Labor Minister on March 27, 1987 replacing John Mayson, while he was succeeded by John Bestman. President Doe took to the liking of the Tubman brothers because his maternal uncle, Ray Thomas (Father of former SATU Commander Moses Thomas), worked diligently as overseer of William A. Tubman (Bob Willie),father of Winston and Robert Tubman rubber plantation located in Pleebo, Maryland County. Bob Willie assisted Ray Thomas to build a modern concrete house thereby enabling him to live decently. As a manifestation of the kind gesture to his uncle, President Doe reciprocated similar kindness to Bob Willie by assisting his children, especially Winston and Robert, both of whom considered (Ray Thomas) their uncle. Both were appointed to ministerial capacities notwithstanding their solid academic qualifications and experience. Her exit from Finance became inevitable as Minister Bestman couldn’t work with her as his Special Assistant neither could she follow Tubman at Labor. She subsequently served in a nominal assignment, and later left the ministry and absconded to America. The 1990 war provided opportunity to she and other Liberians who took advantage to seek refuge In America. She did menial jobs and subsequently got employed as a lecturer at Montgomery College, a little known community learning outfit located in Rockville, Maryland, where she taught Sociology for five years 2005-2009, and was rated incongenial based on her poor human relations to students and faculty members alike. BACK HOME After the death of Associate Justice Emmanuel Wureh, the quest for more female participation in government became imperative especially judging from the inroads made by madam President nationally, and internationally. Several prominent personalities closer to the corridors of power prevailed on the President to consider appointing her on the Supreme Court Bench to increase the number to two, in addition to Justice Wollokollie. Despite several opposition to her appointment by radical stalwarts of the Unity Party, and others indicating that she was inexperience for such undertaking, feminine passion got the better part of madam President as she wanted to provide opportunities for educated Liberians abroad especially women to serve in her administration as incentives for others to return home and also as a process of reconciliation and inclusion. She was therefore nominated to succeed the late Justice Wureh. At the confirmation, she exhibited an unfriendly and hostile disposition towards the Lawmakers, some of whom are experience legal practitioners who also viewed her as inexperience for the job. For example, Counselor Cherue wanted to know how long she practiced law in Liberia either as a plaintiff or defense counsel at the level of the Supreme Court. What was the nature of the case if she did practiced, and why should she be confirmed? These questions infuriated and angered her so much that in response, retorted with arrogance indicating that she is not in search for a job. “I was living comfortably and had a good job in America” she boasted. According to her the only reason for accepting the nomination was to make sacrifice for Liberia that is in a dire need for someone of her caliber and qualification. ‘As I look amongst all of you in here I don’t see anyone who is equaled to me in terms of academic qualification and cumulative experience’ was her answer as to the reason she should be confirmed. When asked if there was anything to say finally, she insinuated that nobody should harbor the expectation of receiving a dime to have her confirmed. The Lawmakers saw her insolent address to them as an insult and affront to their integrity, and therefore voted unanimously to reject her for incompetence, image problem, and poor human relations. See (Vol. 13 No. 43 Monday, May 30, 2008 edition of the Heritage) Licking her wounds from the shock received from being rejected, she didn’t returned to America as was expected, but rather stayed around to explore other opportunities which presented itself a year later when Counselor Philip A.Z. Banks opted to retire and take a less demanding job which borders on legal research, his passion and specialty. The President consented and appointed him Chairman of the newly legislated Law Reformed Commission. This presented another glorious opportunity and paved the way for her. Again, based on interventions by some of her colleagues in the corridors of power who sought to bring her back in government, including Counselor Varney Sherman who had become Chairman of the Unity Party based on their fraternity at the Maxwell and Maxwell Law Office prevailed on the President to give her another trial. The President consented, and nominated her as Justice Minister. That was where the President made a cardinal mistake. Fearing a second rejection, and as a means of softening the grounds prior to her second appearance at the Senate, she sought the assistance of some prominent lawyers who had links with influential members especially those of the Judicial Committee to lobby on her behalf. She even met the most fiery, and vocal Senators on June 24, 2009, in Sinkor at a private abode provided by a two time former Presidential Aspirant in a bid to moderate their stance against her at the confirmation hearings. Once that was done and the stage set she appeared for confirmation. With humility, an apology was firstly rendered for previous suggestive arrogant posture in 2008. Sitting caged like, she promised a harmonious working relations with every branch of government in the execution of her duties. The Senate subsequently confirmed her in July 2009 with reluctance from both John Ballout, and Prince Johnson of Maryland and Nimba Counties. AT THE JUSTICE MINISTRY At the justice Ministry, she fell out with virtually all of her deputies, assistant ministers and senior staffers in a relatively short period of time. Counselor Joseph Jallah who served as Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs became her first casualty. According to her, the Deputy Minister as Chairman of a Political party LPP, has a socialist orientation and was more of a politician than a lawyer. It was based upon that she refused to work with him and recommended his replacement. While sitting in her comfort in America, little did she know that it was the likes of Counselor Jallah and others that campaigned in the trenches to ensure the victory of President Sirleaf, of which benefit she has come to reap as Minister. Counselor Jallah currently heads the Legal Department of the Central Bank of Liberia. Counselor Jallah was subsequently replaced by Sam Russ, a Liberian of American nationality, who she single handedly recruited from the diaspora, and recommended to the President. Before being confirmed by the Senate, he renounced his American Citizenship. She would later fallout with Russ on issues of marginalization surrounding policy differences bordering on mineral contracts whereat he alluded that his input was not solicited as the principal deputy in whose purview such task is statutorily mandated. Russ obtained a B.Sc. degree (SUMMA CUM LAUDE) in Mathematics from the University of Liberia in 1980.He also holds a Law degree from America. Bitterness ensued, and both were not on speaking terms for months until his departure from the Justice Ministry. He currently serves as Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Lands Mines and Energy, where he is executing his statutory mandate without rancor. Russ was replaced by Ms. Idella Cooper, a graduate of the Columbia Law School. She subsequently entered into Holy Matrimony with Mr. Musa Shannon. Upon assuming her duties, she would inform the President of her thoughts within the realm and confines of the execution of her duties. She would further apprise the President of her unflinching support to the Minister in the execution and enhancement of the mandate of which the Ministry was established. Their working relationship started cordially but soon became awry in less than a year, with similar routine and experience her predecessor had endured, including lack of consultation, and coordination. Mrs. Cooper-Shannon became an image of herself in office as she was not consulted in most instances relative to concession agreements concluded, coupled with other high profiled issues of legal economic magnitude that would have long reaching effect on the future of Liberia. After the consummation of several concession agreements without her input, the Minister would call upon her to affix her signature to accompany same. Acrimony began to set in. Verbal exchanges and disagreements ensued in one senior staff meeting which came to an abrupt end. Few weeks thereafter, on one occasion, in the full glare of the junior staffs in the corridor of the Ministry, hell broke loose. It took Mrs. Fatu Daramy, a modest and calm lady who was seconded by the UN to work on policy issues concerning prison rehabilitation at the Ministry to calm the situation, and escorted Mrs. Cooper-Shannon to her office, while Minister Tah left the Ministry for an unknown destination. When she returned, Mrs. Daramy was summoned to her office, and was accused of siding with Mrs. Cooper Shannon. There began Mrs. Daramy waterloo which led to her exit from the Ministry. The news of the confrontation between both Ministers was reported in several media outlets. With smiles on their faces during a press interview conducted in the office of the Minister, the incident as appeared in the media was denied. Few months thereafter, it became apparently clear that the center couldn’t hold, as both of them couldn’t continue to work together in harmony. In the midst of the bitterness that subsisted between them, Minister Tah, refused to sign a construction contract awarded Mr. S.B. Cooper, though a competitive bidding for a project supervised by Public Works. After a lawsuit was in the process of being filed against her, she yielded and signed. Her refusal to sign the contract was simply because Mr. S.B. Cooper is a senior brother of Mrs. Cooper-Shannon. Sheer vindictiveness! Mrs. Cooper-Shannon is currently out of the Ministry and is in the employ of NOCAL. In a quest to boost her image to give flavor to her administrative intolerance, she again recommended Counselor Benedict Sannoh, a Human Rights Advocate to replace Mrs. Cooper-Shannon. Months in the position, The Chris Toe, and Front Page saga began which subsequently led to her six months ban by the Supreme Court for disrespect to that August Body. Thereafter, it was reported that she accused Counselor Sannoh of undermining her office in his quest to unseat her. Prior to her resignation, she and Counselor Sannoh were not on speaking terms. Counselor Sylvester Gbientor only crime for which he was recommended for replacement as Deputy Minister for Codification by Mrs. Victoria Sherman Lang, the Minister childhood friend, was based on a statement he made in defense of Former Minister Banks in a Staff Meeting, referring to him as a legal scholar rival by very few in the country. Counselor Eva Mai Mappy Morgan was serving as Deputy Minister for Administration during the Banks administration when Counselor Tah assumed the mantle of leadership at the ministry. She holds a LLM in Law from the Harvard Law School, and was considered his confidant. In fact news abounded that he recommended her to Madam President as his successor, a situation Minister Tah would later know and became uncomfortable with. When Minister Tah took over the affairs of the office, during her first week, a general staff meeting was arranged to acquaint her with all and sundry. Prior to that, she requested to meet all deputies, and assistant Ministers for a chit chat in her office before proceeding to the conference room to meet other subordinate staffers. Thereat, while discussing far ranging issues of concern outlaying her strategy and approach to enhance the task of executing her mandate, she made castigating and disparaging remarks against her predecessor Counselor Philip Banks, her former professor and Dean of the Louis Arthur Grimes School of Law. She described him as waning in the complexities of law based on old age that was why his impact at the Ministry was not felt thereby leading to his replacement by her. She went on to describe herself as vibrant, and without blemish in whatever she has endeavored. Banks got the information, and approached her for clarity. She denied ever uttering any such statement. All those present in her office when the statements were made were those that Counselor Banks worked with harmoniously. Thereafter, she became suspicious of both Counselor Mappy-Morgan and a gentleman named Johannes, who served as Special Assistant to Banks. Without much ado, in a twist in time, she replaced Johannes with Ms. Gloria Bishop, who too, within a year was insulted as an incompetent brat who didn’t utilized her youth. Unable to condone further incessant insults, Bishop in a rage reportedly attempted to unleash her, but was advised against doing such a thing by Mr. Max Dennis, a family friend of Bishop, who himself was hired by the Minister as her speechwriter. Mr. Dennis was tongue lashed subsequently as a spoilt child. Ms. Bishop subsequently resigned, and remarked as making her worst mistake ever in life by working with a personified Satan dabbed in human form. After Johannes was booted out of the Ministry, Counselor Mappy- Morgan became the next target. Her first Joint Security Meeting conducted at the Conference Room of the Ministry with Security Heads and their representatives comprising the Liberia National Police (LNP), Bureau of Immigration (BIN), Liberia National Fire Service, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), National Security Agency (NSA), Ministry of Defense, and the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), was a scene of disarray and tongue lashing at her colleagues. In fact it even ended before it started. When everyone was seated, Counselor Mappy –Morgan left the room and went to her boss, the Minister’s office as a mark of respect to escort her thereat, as was done with others. No sooner did she leave, the Minister arrived apparently by another route to the meeting and requested attendance. A minute later, Mappy-Morgan returned beaming with smiles, took her seat beside her boss, and greeted her in a courteous manner. Expecting a reciprocal greeting in return, but on the contrary, and to her chagrin, she was greeted with an emotional outburst and lambasted in the presence of all by the Minister who retorted that whenever a meeting is called everyone should be seated before she arrived, and when seated no one should enter thereafter as she won’t countenance any such behavior from any one whether minister or otherwise. She furthered by saying that she does not intend to run a parallel administration. Despite interventions from other senior colleagues to the effect that Counselor Mappy- Morgan , her principal deputy was seated, and in fact usher them in their respective seats, their interventions fell on deft ears as she went on ranting, and insinuating that she care less about whatever, she is the Minister and her position on that matter was final. Months thereafter, the working relationship between both Minister Tah, and her Principal Deputy, Mappy- Morgan deteriorate to the lowest ebb. Mappy-Morgan was subsequently removed based on Minister Tah’s recommendation to Madam Present of her inability to compatibly work with Mappy-Morgan. It took three months for a successor to be found, as most lawyers she approached turned her request down citing intolerance of her administrative mannerisms, which borders on disregard and disgraced to the professional ethics of the legal profession. Counselor Mappy- Morgan currently serves as Chief Judge of a three member Commercial Court at the Temple of Justice. Months later, she would recommend Counselor Freddie Taylor a brother –in law of former President Taylor as replacement. He served as Director of the National Security Agency during President Charles Taylor reign. The major reason for recruiting Counselor Taylor bordered on positional power play, financial largesse and goodwill that was outpouring from Government, and International Stakeholders to the Ministry. Hundreds of thousands of USD was being budgeted for Administrative and Intelligence Services under the Joint Security Trust Fund (JSTF). Minister Tah wanted a confidant and someone with a broad based intelligence, security and administrative background who would execute her intelligence modus operandi, which entails recruiting covert intelligence personnel to engage in similar statutory mandate to rival that of the NSA. After a long search for a successor to Mappy –Morgan was not paying dividends; Minister Tah approached her half brother, Counselor Lemuel Reeves, a Law Enforcement Officer of several years, and at that time a staffer of Carter Center. It was Counselor Lemuel Reeves who introduced, and recommended Counselor Freddie Taylor to Minister Tah. Both Counselors Reeves and Taylor are sort of related not through sanguinity, but by marriage. Counselor Reeves younger sister, Agnes Reeves was Presidents Taylor’s wife during his hey days as Rebel Leader of the NPFL in the 1990’s. Counselor Freddie Taylor was once married to former President Taylor’s sister Gebior. After a lengthy interview with Counselor Taylor, Minister Tah was convinced that he fitted in her grand scheme of mastermind, wherein intelligence gathered by her operatives would be submitted to the President principally to counter that of the NSA. Her intent was to render the NSA incompetent, thereby given credence to her exploits and used that as a launch pad to recommend Counselor Freddie Taylor to assume the directorship of NSA while at the same time convincing the President to appoint Fumba Sirleaf to replace Brownie Samukai as Defense Minister. Power was her ultimate desire, as Chairman of the Joint Security, the only security outfit not under her command and control was the NSA. As time progressed, Counselor Taylor, a professional especially trained in Intelligence Analysis for decades read the postings and soon discovered that he was recruited to be used as a pawn in a game of power play that the Minister couldn’t win. He drew up a power point Security Intelligence Matrix to convince his boss indicating the folly of rivaling the NSA, as some of those she recruited were double agents, reporting to NSA. He pinpointed to the Minister that one of her most trusted intelligence operatives was a double agent, and advised her to abandon her quest. But rather yielding to an honest advice from a professional, she accused Counselor Taylor of being the double agent and a sold-out to maintain his job at her detriment. She reminded him that had it not being for her, he would still be going through tough times as no one wanted to employ him based on the President Charles Taylor factor, which by extension impacted whatever professionalism he possessed or could boast of. ‘Instead of being loyal to me you opted to collaborate with my enemies, you will forever regret your action’ She told him looking directly in his eyes. Thereon, based on experience and being cognizant of her actions towards others who dare to disagree, and or challenge her, he knew he was a target and his days at the Ministry was numbered. A plan to get at Counselor Taylor was hatched, and tasked to Asumana Kromah, a former official at the Ministry of National Security, and Director of the NBI, who was recruited as her consultant to investigate and provide her with intelligence on staff members of the Ministry concerning major crimes and Robert Budy, a deputy commissioner at Immigration, and one of her henchmen who executed most of her Gestapo Operations. On September 18, 2012 Kromah, hinted Minister Tah of Counselor Taylor’s intention to tender his resignation. Sensing that his resignation would be damaging to her she needed to act faster, otherwise…… She summoned him in her office for a meeting. Thereat she apologized, and in a posture indicative of a male seducer, narrated how the stress and pressures of her job sometimes makes her to be emotional. She furthered informed him that her intent especially towards him is brotherly and thereafter promised to adhere to his advice and give him more autonomy in the execution of his duties. Convinced by her antics, he confirmed his thoughts of resigning, but promised he would rescind his decision. Bingo! She celebrated that night with champagne, and gave both Kromah, and Budy a purse of 3,000.00 USD. Days after, Kromah submitted a plan of action to Minister Tah with information supplied by Commissioner Budy of Immigration. The opportunity presented itself earlier than expected. A Human Trafficking case erupted at the Bureau of Immigration in which Counselor Freddie Taylor name was mentioned as an accomplice. Within the realm of the same time, Minister Tah was due to attend a conference on behalf of the Liberian Government in East Africa bordering on Trafficking. The conference provided the perfect conduit to consolidate her scheme and get at Counselor Taylor. He was therefore designated to represent her. While away with the assistance of Kromah, and Budy she launched an investigation single handedly without the knowledge of Counselor Taylor her principal deputy, especially where his name was mentioned. Her findings were hurriedly communicated to the President wherein he was implicated together with others as Human Traffickers. The President taking due cognizance of the global outcry against trafficking in persons, and relying on the Minister’s confidence and professional judgment, dismissed all those named and implicated in the Minister’s report.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 12:45:59 +0000

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