UPCOMING MAJOR TREND: Mars in Libra for 8 MONTHS, beginning Dec. - TopicsExpress


UPCOMING MAJOR TREND: Mars in Libra for 8 MONTHS, beginning Dec. 7th. (see below) To prepare, we are rising out of the Plutos Oceanic deep waters with Mercurys recent long haul in the unseen secret cavernous realms of Scorpio- recalibrating intimate relationship and redefining connection.. what have we learned? How do we feel? Can we take responsibility for what is our own? At best, we can acknowledge our past and prepare for the future through SEEING THE PRESENT as it is-- a relationship, a connection to Life. CONNECTION TO LIFE IS MOST AVAILABLE AND IS OFTEN DISCOVERED THROUGH DEATH. Death is the path to rebirth, to Life. We invite Death into our daily lives so we can truly begin to Live again. Watch this occur around the planet. With MARS in LIBRA for a long cycle, we are in the activity of balancing all relationship that is out of sync. Mars is the energy of ACTION and Libra represents the Scales of Justice. Mars can be somewhat ineffective in this Venus-ruled sign of harmony and beauty, or even passive-agressive if One has not learned or recognized the lessons in Mercurys recent plummet into Scorpio. This energy is best used by going inward through Spiritual practice, or self-care, since much of the outer world has tremendous recalibration that must take place for the Scales to Balance. Expect financial shifting to continue, and major systems to begin to show actual signs of change.. begin is the key here. And remember that any new beginning stems directly from and ending- a death. The more One looks inward, breath by breath, the greater the potential to discover beauty and harmony in all that occurs during this interesting cycle of Mars. Collectively, we are reaching for whats next, for whats right, for what can be possible in this world, and in this NOW Moment, there is Total Potential through realizing Deaths mysterious gift. What is Deaths gift? What is Deaths reality? As the scales shift side to side, we have a lingering sense that something was stolen from us, or we have lost something valuable, or that someone (or some system) might take something of value from our very hands. We have chosen foolishly and honestly in every one of our daily actions, words, and thoughts to believe and put our collective focus primarily in the material reality, forgetting that anything of value lies outside the 5 senses, so that what we hold to be our worth amounts to a pile of things which can be taken. So there is fear of loosing, and anxiety of what One will become without having something to fill the empty bank account, the spacious house, the hungry stomach. But in this cycle, we can begin to embody the potential of a Living Reality through Deaths Gift of Remembrance--we actively live consciously with deaths reality, and we are Rebirthed into an understanding that Life, the true value of the Self and security are UNSEEN in origin, not material, and CANNOT ever be taken or stolen; then there is no need for fear, anxiety, or insurance against something that can never be lost. And something unseen is never in need of rebalance, simply in need of Remembrance, incorporation through experience perhaps. So possibly the real recalibration of Balance in this cycle is buried in the potential wakefulness from the illusions of the material world, spawning a reassessment to the questions WHAT DO YOU REALLY FEAR and WHAT YOU ARE REALLY FIGHTING FOR and within the answers lie the ability to remain in the constant of an unanswered evolving question: WHO ARE YOU? In the Dearest Heart of Remembering Love, The Art of Transformation and Aaron Ogden
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 06:12:20 +0000

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