UPDATE (8/8): For the multitude of people praying, wed like to - TopicsExpress


UPDATE (8/8): For the multitude of people praying, wed like to offer a general update on Aprils current status. First of all, she cant move any of her limbs yet or even sit up, let alone stand or walk. We have to stretch her several times a day to keep her range of motion. She is gaining control of her neck and can hold it up some days, but not always. She has very much favored her left side, but can turn her head to the right now. She does open both eyes pretty consistently. When weve mentioned food she has eaten we mean very small doses at a time, to stimulate her orally--4 to 5 spoonfuls a day. She is still being tube-fed. And cognitively, it appears that she does remember a lot, her family, personal facts, random information, etc. She has been asked questions and gives a thumbs up when the answer is yes and doesnt respond when the answer is no. So it seems she is there. However, sometimes when we talk to her we dont get any responses. Everything comes and goes.... She didnt have as productive of a week as the one before. She was very sleepy this week. Her physical therapists had taken a break from the serial castings on her feet to check for other things and began that process again this week. The new stretch the cast gives her foot is rather painful for her at first. She currently has a cast on each foot. They re-cast every 3 - 4 days, with the hope of breaking the tone that has settled in her feet. She did smile last Sunday! But as we stated above, it comes and goes. She hasnt done it again yet. We didnt hear her voice as much this week, and she rarely used her thumb to communicate. When we say voice we are referring to sounds. She hasnt said any real words yet. They introduced her to some new assistive-technology that may help her communicate. They put her in front of a computer screen that uses a persons eye gaze to type. As she looks at the letters of a key board it will type them. If she can figure it out, she will be able to type us notes, or simply look at a yes or no word to answer us. So in the way of prayers, please pray for consistency. It is common for a person with a brain injury to do something one day and then not again for awhile, but we pray for consistency anyway. We pray her voice comes in, and stays. We pray for more smiles. We pray that the tone will break and she can begin to lift her arms and move her fingers without pain. We pray she can sit up on her own soon. And we pray for her endurance. To keep pressing on.....
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 03:04:03 +0000

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