UPDATE (FOR ALL THOSE WHO HAVE ASKED... FOR THE REST OF YOU... IT MAYBE TOO MUCH INFO): Had my follow up with Dr. Loomis today, after I was hospitalized on Friday. She wanted to drain the fluid pocket thats deep in my left groin muscle. Problem is its too deep for her to drain. Wants to drain it because they dont know if it is an abscess or a barthilon cyst (because it looks like a cyst but is too deep and the border looks more like an abscess... And the second ultrasound it looked more like an abscess... But until its drained they dont really know what it is... But they have been treating it like an abscess with IV antibiotics and now oral antibiotics.) Dr. Loomis called an interventional radiologist to see if he would drain it under ultrasound. He looked at my cat scan and two ultrasounds and he doesnt feel comfortable draining it because he thinks there may be bowel involvement... Or it could be an endometrial hematoma from endometriosis (which I have never been diagnosed with this before). So MRI on Wednesday, See a second doctor on Thursday for probable surgery. Meanwhile if I start vomiting or the pain becomes unbearable I will be direct admitted to the hospital for IV antibiotics, nausea and pain meds. For now roughing it out (because the meds dont help the nausea or the pain that much). Praying that when they decide to do surgery (because they will have to do it to drain it or remove it... And it has to at least be drained) it will be soon, Dustin will be off, and it will be a minor outpatient thing. For now trying to rest at home... While hubby takes good care of me! Thanks for all the continued thoughts and prayers!
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 23:25:41 +0000

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