UPDATE on Erin: Faith - belief that is not based on proof. The - TopicsExpress


UPDATE on Erin: Faith - belief that is not based on proof. The meaning of this word has impacted our family more then ever when it comes to Erin. There was never any proof in the beginning that Erin would be able to walk, talk or function again. It was an extremely hard thing for our family to watch the girl we love so much go through so much pain and struggle. Our family kept relying on faith that Erin would pull through. It was very hard to see past that blurry tunnel that first week in the ICU. The ICU seemed like home to us at that time in Erins recovery, as we all wanted to be by her bedside as she went through hell and back. We are absolutely blessed as to where she is today and what she has all overcome since we found out the terrifying news that Erin had suffered a bleed in the brain that early June morning. The past few weeks, Erin has been working hard in her therapies. In physical therapy they have been working on balancing with Erin having her eyes closed. This is challenging for Erin but she keeps pushing forward. The last week or so, Erin has been experiencing more limping then usual on her left side of her body. It is uncertain as to whether this is because of the pregnancy or some other side effect. The therapists continue to work with her on that left leg strength with exercises that consist of her sitting so not to irritate that leg to much. In occupational therapy, they have been working a lot with the switch board. This is the board that has a ton of lights on it and will activate 1 light at a time for a second or so and then jump to a different light. This works a lot with concentration and remembering to look to that left side. Erin performed this same activity a couple weeks into her therapy sessions in Rochester, and wow what a change she has made today. In Rochester, Erin was maybe able to get 7 lights in a minutes time, today she well exceeds that! Occupational therapy is also starting to work on Erins fine motor skills. They have been working a lot with grasping small items with her left hand fingers to assemble small projects. This is a bit of a struggle for Erin right now but she will continue to work on these fine motor skills. In speech therapy, Erin continues to work a lot of worksheets that work with her thinking and problem solving. The speech therapist seems impressed with Erins improvements this far and is starting to work on more challenging worksheets. Some of these worksheets consist of drawing an image back that would represent a mirror like image, finding differences in 2 drawings that are suppose to be alike and doing math that consists of adding money values up. Erin is continuing to remember to look to that left side when doing these activities but still on occasion will miss things here and there. A lot of things have been going on for Erin in the last couple weeks. Recently Erin celebrated her 26th birthday! What a joy it was for her to be with us. We celebrated with having a grill out at her place and just enjoying some good quality family time. This past weekend, Erin got behind the wheel of a car again and was able to drive around the block. Bryce was astounded by how well she was able to do. She sure had a big smile on her face when she stepped out of that car that day. Erin has been working on activities in occupational therapy that she will eventually need to test out of before she can official be able to drive again. So far, the activities have been going good and when the day comes to test out, I know she will do great. With Baby Ks arrival less then 2 weeks away, Erin will be putting her therapy sessions on hold. This will give her some time to relax and concentrate on her and baby Ks health before the big day comes. Erin is still continuing her weekly visits to Rochester for her OB appointments. Everything is still looking good. Last night was Erins first experience with what she believes to be contractions. At this point there is no need to be worried, but we are definitely going to be keeping a close eye on her in case Baby K decides to make his or her debut early. We are hoping she will make it to her scheduled date so we can avoid the rush to Rochester and getting her all prepped unplanned. Until then, Erin and Bryce will be resting and enjoying her last few weeks of sleeping throughout the night quietly. Anyone can give up, its the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, thats true strength. We never knew the outcome of your life after your injury Erin. You sure made it easy for our family because YOU were the one holding us together when it was out of our control to hold you together. Your jokes and smiles kept us going through the darkest days. You never once complained while you were in the ICU and you always would say please and thank you even when you were in immense pain. Your strength to hold our family together is more then we can ever thank you for. YOU NEVER GAVE UP! That my sister, is TRUE STRENGTH!!
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 19:51:50 +0000

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