URGENT NEED OF THE WORLD CHRISTIAN RESILIENT It is the daily life of people experiencing trauma , which actually traverse the valley of the shadow of death , what really attracted the curiosity of scientists worldwide . Are not fictional characters that rise after big fall ; are men , women , children, old people , the average person in the world who takes over his life after the death of a child , the loss of a part of your body , job loss , serious physical or mental illness itself or someone in the family , enough to cause an individual to chaos reasons . Those who are able to continue a quality life without autopunições without destroying resignation, reborn from the rubble , these are resilient beings . People who do not blame God for the misfortunes and tragedies of life . For over forty years, science has been questioned about the fact that certain people have the ability to overcome the worst situations , while others are caught in the meshes of the unhappiness and anguish that befell them as a lured network. Why certain individuals are able to get up after a big trauma and others remain in called rock bottom , unable to , even though not having the strength to dig , climb , building upon the walls of this well and continue your way ? Resilience is a psychological concept borrowed from physics, defined as the ability of the individual to deal with problems , overcome obstacles and resist the pressure of adverse situations - shock, stress etc. . - Without going into psychological outbreak. Job Fenemberg : argues that resilience it comes to a decision when one is faced with a backdrop of tension between the environment and the desire to win . These decisions provide forces in person to face adversity . Thus understood , it can be considered that resilience is a combination of factors that lead to human conditions to face and overcome problems and adversities . It is the ability to manage stress. It helps to have good quality of life . In this globalized world a big difference is the resilient person because the market demands professionals who can work with high levels of recovery . These professionals recover and shape each strain ( obstacle ) institutional . Are you prepared for any challenge . When more resilient is the largest individual will be personal development , this makes it a more motivated and able to control situations presenting the highest degree of tension person . It is the ability of an individual to possess a sound conduit in an insane environment, ie , the ability of the individual overlap and build up a positive front to adversity . The beauty of resilience and motivation is you can choose how to perceive and respond to adverse situations . The concept is applied to human behavior allowing changes in attitudes and quality of life before the chaos of day - to-day billing, deadlines , pressures , much tension and accumulated stress . Eduardo Carmello , consultant and director of Entheusiasmos : Defines the term as the ability of a material to return to its normal state after suffering a strain . For the author , people may not know whether or not to get angry when something unexpected happens in their lives , but rather can set how long they want to stay fed this feeling , so how to channel this emotion to constructive action. Most of the diseases that afflict humanity has its origin in the mind and can only be cured by restoring health to the mind. There are far more people than we imagine , who are mentally ill . Depression produces many dyspeptic because mental problem has a paralyzing influence upon the digestive organs . - -Testimonies for the Church 3:184 (1872) . Resilience is the balance between tension and fighting ability , to reach another level of consciousness , which brings a behavior change and ability to handle lifes obstacles and professional . Being resilient is having emotional control in the face of adversity , not allowing the events and even people dictate your mood . It is the art of turning all the energy of a problem in a creative solution . Some Factors of Resilience Administration of emotions The first factor refers to the ability to remain calm in the face of a stressful situation . Notes that resilient people as to this factor are able to use the tracks who read the others to redirect behavior, promoting self-regulation . According to this author , when this ability is rudimentary , people find it difficult to cultivate ties and often wear the emotional context with those who live with the family or at work. Impulse control A second factor is the control pulse , which refers to the ability to regulate the intensity of its impulse in the neuromuscular system ( nerves and muscles) . It is learning not to be swayed by impulsively experience an emotion . The author explains that people may have a loose or tight control of your muscular system , since this system is linked to the regulation of the intensity of emotions . Thus , the person can live a thrill of exacerbated or inhibited form . The impulse control to guarantee the self-regulation of these emotions or the ability to give due force to the experience of emotions , making the degree of understanding of the most sensitive author and calculated according to the situation . optimism A third factor is optimism. This factor , occurs in the resilience of the belief that things can change for the better . There is a continuing investment of hope and , therefore, the conviction of the ability to control the destiny of life , even when the power of decision is out of his hands . Analysis of the environment The fourth factor is the analysis of the environment . It is the ability to accurately identify the causes of problems and adversity in the environment . This possibility enables a person to put in a safer place instead of positioning itself at risk . empathy Empathy is the fifth factor is resilience , meaning the ability of the human being must understand the psychological states of others ( emotions and feelings ) ( put in the place of another ) . Reach people The sixth and final constituent factor of resilience is to reach people. It is the ability one has to link to others to facilitate solutions to weather life without fear and fear of failure . Smiles and animosas words, if we look at the brighter side of things , we shall find enough to make us happy and spirited . If we give smiles , they are returned to us ; if pronouncing animosas , pleasant words , they will be addressed in the new . When Christians have dark and depressed , as if they thought did not have any friends , give a wrong impression of religion . In some cases one has entertained the idea that joy is inconsistent with the dignity of Christian character , but all and wrong. Heaven and all joy. - Signs of the Times , February 12, 1885 . It is the duty of each cultivate cheerfulness , instead of cherishing sorrows and difficulties . Many are not only unhappy that way, but sacrifice health and happiness to a morbid imagination. There are around things that are not pleasant , and the countenance bring a constant frown that more clearly than words , expressing discontent. These depressing emotions are great harm your health because hindering the process of digestion , interfere with feeding. While sadness and anxiety can not remedy one evil, may nevertheless cause great harm ; but cheerfulness and hope , while illuminating the path of the other , are life unto those that find them , and health to all their flesh. - Signs of the Times , February 12, 1885 ; When the Spirit of God takes possession of the heart , it transforms the life . Sinful thoughts are put margin , resign themselves to evil deeds ; love, humility, and peace take the place of anger , envy and strife. Joy takes the place of sadness, and the countenance reflects the joy of heaven No one sees the hand that lifts the burden or contemplates the light descend from the courts above . The blessing comes when by faith the soul surrender to God s self . Then that power which no human eye can see creates a new being in the image of God . - The Review and Herald , November 19, 1908
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 20:45:35 +0000

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