URS E NOORI 7 & 8 NOVEMBER FRIDAY & SATURDAY. Ocean of - TopicsExpress


URS E NOORI 7 & 8 NOVEMBER FRIDAY & SATURDAY. Ocean of Knowledge Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah was a deep ocean of knowledge. He was proficient in Tafseer, Hadith, Rules of Hadith, Fiqh, Rules of Fiqh, Logic, Philosophy, Rhetoric speaking, syntax, grammar etc. As well as these subjects Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah was also proficient in many customary subjects including mathematics, numerology, arithmetic etc. The depth of his knowledge can be gathered from the following incident. Whilst he was still a youngster, the Scholars of Rampur were debating Azaan E Thaani (the Second Azaan). The Scholars of Rampur were no ordinary scholars. These were those respected scholars whose dominance was spread all over India. These Scholars were those that were the successors of a great Scholar like Maulana Abdul Haq bin Allama Fazl e Haq Khairabadi. When the founder of Darul Uloom Deoband, Qasim Nanotwi, went to Rampur, he was so in awe and in fear of these scholars that he did not identify himself. He stayed in a secret location and also signed into the hotel with a false name. The Scholars of Rampur started debating this issue with full strength and knowledge. Mujaddid e Azam, Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza Khan alaihir rahmah sent his young son to understand the issue and to explain it to the Scholars. Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah answered their issues in such a manner that hey were left speechless. He answered every concern clearly and to the satisfaction of everyone. All the great Scholars that were there had no answer to this genius who was still a very young man at this time. Whosoever wants to read the full text of the debates is able to do so even today. Books & Writings Allah Taala blessed Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah with great penmanship skills. In his writings, his blessed Fathers influence and great foresight is evident, the perfect research is evident, as well as the beauty of attention to minute detail. Knowledge of complex jurisprudence issues is evident as well as Allama Shamis understanding of Muslim laws. Imam Ghazalis critical ability, Imam Razis wisdom and sharpness, and Imam Suyutis power of studying shine like the glowing sun in the works of Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah. In spite of his hectic schedule, Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah left a huge treasure of books and writings to help the Ummah even after he left this physical world. Praiseworthy Qualities All of Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmahs actions and qualities were a walking, talking picture of the Sunnah of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. He was a bright light of character and faith, a mountain of determination and firmness and a shining example of piety, devoutness, faith, belief, truthfulness, honesty, and integrity. He was at the highest stage of love of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam and love of the friends of Allah Taala. He was always busy in supporting and encouraging the Sunnah and opposing and discouraging innovations. Establishing the truth and exposing falsehood was a quality he received from his father, Imam Ahmed Raza alaihir rahmah. His intelligence, insight, and ability to get to the bottom of all issues and problems was such that if ever he entered a gathering of intellectuals and scholars, he was always regarded as the leader of the gathering. He was a helper and protector of the downtrodden and helpless. He stayed away from and detested worldly people and those that were hungry for worldly influence. He was a supreme authority on character and spirituality and was a guiding light for those that had strayed from the right path. Every step he took was a reflection of the Sunnah of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam. He was so firm in piety that anything that he understood to be against the Shariah, he shunned and stayed away from that all his life. According to him, photographs are Haram, and he did not have a single photograph taken in his entire life. That is the reason that even though he desired it, he was never able to visit Baghdad Shareef and other resting places of the friends of Allah Taala. He was so detached from the world, that even though he reached the age of 92, he never visited the head or leader of any territory or country. Many leaders and chiefs requested permission to be a part his gatherings. His sense of honour and piety always made him refuse and he would say, What use would a darvaish have for a leader or a king? Naats Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah got the gift of poetry in his inheritance. His works are decorated with verses of the Quran, Hadith of Rasool Allah sallalaho alaihe wasallam, and the sayings of the friends of Allah Taala. He wrote Hamds, Naats, and Manqabats. Each one of then has a beautiful style and choice of words. Elegance, subtlety, truth, depth of meaning, attention to detail, clarity of words, and rhetoric eloquence of the verses is the soul of a poem and Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah mixed all these into his work beautifully. He used the pen name Noorie and the collection of his work is called Saamaan E Bakhshish (Tools of Forgiveness). Gathering of Devotees The assembly of devotees of Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah is so large that his followers and disciples are not confined to the Indian sub-continent. His disciples are spread out in many countries around the world including some disciples in Haramain Shareefain. His disciples are in the millions, amongst whom are great scholars, Shaikhs, pious, poets, literary greats, intellectuals, and professors. He has more spiritual successors (Caliph) than many spiritual guides have disciples (mureeds). His successors are in the thousands, and they are amongst the greatest scholars and mystics of their generation and they are at the forefront of Ahle Sunnat Wal Jamaat. Passing Away On Thursday 14th Muharram 1402 AH (12 Nov 1981), Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah plunged Muslims and especially his followers into sadness by passing away. BBC London, All India radio, Pakistan radio, and many newspapers and publications carried this devastating news all over the world. This was like a bolt of lightning that hit the Muslims and hundreds of convoys headed towards Bareilly. Cars, buses, trains, and aeroplanes carried scholars and Muslim leaders from many countries to Bareilly Shareef where the funeral prayer was performed in a large open field. (Istikaamat Kanpur, Mufti E Azam E Hind. Page 316) After Huzoor Mufti e Azam had learnt to speak, Imam Ahmed Raza alahir rahmah said to his older son, Hujjatul Islam, Maulana Sham Muhammad Haamid Raza alaihir rahmah, You are aware of how busy I am, therefore you teach your younger brother. Therefore he started teaching his younger brother with great enthusiasm. At the age of 3 years he had completed the Introductory Quran book. After he had completed these, on the orders of Imam Ahmed Raza alaihir rahmah, he was taught by Maulana Shah Rahim Ilahi Manglori and Maulana Sayyid Basheer Ahmed Aligarhi. (Excerpt from Firmness of Mufti e Azam, Number 198). He continued to receive the bulk of his education from his Father. In 1328 (1910), at the age of 18, after he had completed his studies in subjects and sciences he graduated from the Manzir e Islam Madrasa in Bareilly Shareef. Issuing Religious Edicts (Fatawa) The surroundings that Huzoor Mufti e Azam alaihir rahmah grew up in were full of knowledge and blessings. Furthermore he received knowledge and guidance at the hands of one of the greatest personalities of Islam. This is itself was a great blessing, but nevertheless, Huzoor Mufti e Azam alaihir rahmahs nature, disposition, conscience, and character were entrusted with proficient religious knowledge. This is the reason that in 1328AH (1910), he lifted his pen and wrote his first fatwa. The incidents surrounding it are as follows: In the Dar ul Ifta (Fatwa Department) in Bareilly, under the guidance of Imam Ahmed Raza Khan alaihir rahmah, Maulana Zafruddeen Bihari and Maulana Sayed Abdul Rasheed were issuing fatwas. Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah walked into the Darul Ifta and noticed that Hazrat Maulana Zafruddeen alaihir rahmah was writing a certain Fatawa. He was taking Fatawa Razvia from the shelf as his reference. On seeing this, Huzoor Mufti e Azam alaihir rahmah said, Are you relying on Fatawa Razvia to write an answer? Maulana Zafruddeen alaihir rahmah replied, Alright then, why dont you write the answer without looking. Huzoor Mufti e Azam alaihir rahmah then wrote a powerful answer without any problem. This was the Fatawa concerning Razaat (Foster Mother), the very first Fatawa which he had written. The answer was then sent to his father, Sayyedina Ala Hazrat alaihir rahmah for correction and verification. On seeing the authenticity of the Fatawa, Sayyedina Aala Hazrat alaihir rahmah became delighted and immediately certified the Fatawa. Sayyedina Aala Hazrat alaihir rahmah then signed the Fatawa. He also had a stamp made for Huzoor Mufti e Azam alaihir rahmah as a gift and on it is said, Abul Barkaat Muhiyyuddeen Jilani Aal e Rahmaan urf (Elias) Mustafa Raza. After this incident Huzoor Mufti e Azam Mustafa Raza Khan alaihir rahmah spent another 12 years (1328-1340) writing Fatawas at the feet of Aala Hazrat radiallaho taala anhu. He was given this immense responsibility of issuing Fatawas even while Aala Hazrat alaihir rahmah was in this physical world. After his blessed father left this world, he continued to issue Fatawa until 1395 AH, after which, age and illness prevented him from writing Fatawas. However, until his last breath he continued to help the Muftis of the religion by verbally answering their questions and giving them solutions to their problems. In this way for 70 straight years he issued edicts (Fatawas). As well as scholars from the Indian sub-continent, (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh), scholars from Africa, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and as far away as Europe and The Americas would contact him for advice on religious rulings. (Muhaddith e Azam Pakistan, Part 1, Page 69) Teaching Huzoor Mufti E Azam alaihir rahmah never taught at the Manzirul Islam or Mazharul Islam madrasas, but if someone requested to be taught at his home he would teach them. He even taught Hazrat Muhaddith E Azam alaihir rahmah. Some people have written that he taught at both the above mentioned madrasahs, but this is not correct. The commentator of Bukhari states that he personally asked Huzoor Mufti e Azam about this and was told that he did not teach at those institutions and also gave the reasons why. By the time Mazharul Islam was established, there were so may people visiting him that teaching was completely out of the question. Students There is a long list of eminent scholars that obtained knowledge from the blessed personality of Huzoor Mufti E Azam alaihir rahmah. Some of them are mentioned below…… It should be noted that some of these were taught actual books by Huzoor Mufti E Azam alaihir rahmah and others learnt from him through presenting questions and obtaining answers or other means. - Muhaddith E Azam Pakistan Maulana Muhammad Sardar Ahmed Gordas Poori. - Faqih e Asr, Maulana Ijaz Vali Khan Razvi Barelvi - Ra-eesul Atqiya, Maulana Mubeenudden Amrawi - Faqih Ul Hind, Commentator of Bukhari, Maulana Mufti Shareef ul Haq Amjadi - Maulana Muhammad Rehan Raza Khan Razvi Barelvi - Faqih E Islam, Maulana Mufti Muhammad Akhtar Raza Khan Azhari - Mufti Afzal Hussein - Maulana Qazi Abdul Raheem Bustawi - Maulana Mufti Burhan-ul Haq Jabalpoori alaihir rahmah etc etc… The above mentioned scholars are shining lights of their times and are brightly and intensely spreading and distributing the blessings of the knowledge of Huzoor Mufti E Azam E Hind alaihir rahmah, from which one and all are benefiting. Mufti E Hind: Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah was in his teenage years……. Based of the needs of the time, Aala Hazrat Imam Ahmed Raza alaihir rahmah established a Dar ul Qaza (Muslim Law Court) in Bareilly Shareef. It was necessary to have a judge who was highly educated, familiar with Islamic Jurisprudence, and be experienced. Therefore the most suitable person for this in the court of Aala Hazrat alaihir rahmah was Hazrat Sadrush Shariah, and therefore he was made the judge of this court. Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah and Hazrat Burhan e Millat, Maulana Mufti Burhan ul Haq Jabalpoori alahir rahmah were appointed as Muftis of the Court to assist Hazrat Sadrush Shariah. Huzoor Mufti e Azam alaihir rahmah was under Hazrat Sadrush Shariah in this court, however, it is worth noting that this Muslim Court was no ordinary court. It was the largest Muslim Law court in India, which can be compared to the Supreme Court. And a Mufti in this court can be compared to one that sits on the bench in the Supreme Court. To give a youngster a seat on the bench in the Supreme Court is a great achievement and a display of great trust and admiration for that person. To make him an officer of the largest Muslim law court at such as early age is proof that the day will come when this young mans status amongst scholars will be like the status of the head of the Supreme Court judges. The world witnessed for itself that Huzoor Mufti e Azam e Hind alaihir rahmah was not only the supreme judge for Sunnis worldwide, but he was the king of the spiritual world as well. (Mufti E Azam In The Light of His Grace and Excellence, Page 7, by Mufti Muhammad Shareef ul Haq Amjadi alaihir rahmah)
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:31:31 +0000

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