US government enemy of American people and Constitution’ Tue Mar - TopicsExpress


US government enemy of American people and Constitution’ Tue Mar 26, 2013 10:41AM The United States government has failed to uphold the U.S. Constitution regarding the citizens’ right to privacy guaranteed under the Fourth Amendment, says political analyst Chris Dorsey who calls major governmental institutions “enemies of the American people.” This issue with unlawful surveillance of the American citizens has been going on for a long time,” Dorsey said from Richmond, Virginia. Web giants Google and Microsoft recently revealed that the FBI used National Security Letters -- a form of surveillance that privacy watchdogs call “frightening and invasive” to secretly spy on their customers. The FBI, the president of the United States and Congress and in many cases the Judiciary, they are enemies of the constitution of the United States, they are the enemies of the American people, they are carrying out war against the American people,” Dorsey said. The FBI has covered up attacks against the American people like the attacks of September, 11, 2001,” he added. Dorsey said these institutions act on behalf of the Federal Reserve Bank and Israel which “control” the U.S. government. “Those are the people who are controlling the United States government, not the American people, not the U.S. Constitution.” He called on Americans to stand up against the leaders of these institutions especially those of the FBI, who Dorsey said are “guilty of treason.” The announcements by the two tech giants mark the first time U.S. companies have divulged they were secretly responding to National Security Letters and coughing up user data to the bureau without probable-cause warrants. Privacy experts say the disclosures are “an unprecedented win for transparency,” but say it’s just one small step forward. In March of 2012, Attorney General Eric Holder enacted guidelines that further expand the U.S. government’s asserted powers to collect and store private information, without a warrant. The guidelines constitute a further step by the Obama administration to expand and entrench unconstitutional spying operations on the American people by all levels of government that were spearheaded by the Bush administration. In the period since September 11, 2001, the U.S. government has secretly compiled vast databases containing private information on the American public. AHT/HJ
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 12:27:45 +0000

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