US officer defends Michael Brown’s killing Darren Wilson, the - TopicsExpress


US officer defends Michael Brown’s killing Darren Wilson, the Missouri police officer who killed teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, has stoked further anger after saying in an interview that he could not have done anything differently to have prevented Brown’s death, Al Jazeera reports. In his first public statements, which were broadcast by the ABC news channel on Tuesday, Wilson claimed his actions were justified because he feared for his life. Wilson, who shot dead the 18-year-old a total of six times on August 9 according to autopsy reports also said he had a “clean conscience” and that he was “simply doing his job”. Al Jazeera’s Daniel Lak, reporting from Ferguson, said that “community leaders were greatly disappointed by Wilson’s lack of remorse”. The officer’s latest statements came two days after a grand jury ruled that there was not enough probable cause to indict Wilson over Brown’s death. Bob McCulloch, the St Louis prosecutor who drew widespread criticism for his handling of the case, has cited “conflicting evidence” as the cause for the verdict. On Monday, he issued a statement that analysts said showed he acted more as a defence attorney than his stated role as prosecutor. Instead of expressing frustration over the grand jury’s verdict, he blamed the media’s portrayal of the case, saying “the 24-news cycle” was “the most significant challenge encountered in the investigation”. [[Boost your social presence with NAIRALIKES nairalikes ]] #nigeria x #nairalikes #vanguardng
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 23:12:58 +0000

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