USA expecting this and that from Thailand? Can you first respond - TopicsExpress


USA expecting this and that from Thailand? Can you first respond to what the world expects from you? These are some of the things we expect from a self proclaimed world leader and symbol of democracy: 1. We expect you to stop being a hypocrite. Example, Saudi Arabia is a much more repressive and repugnant country ruled by dictatorship than Iran which has a far more open society. Yet you choose to attack Iran and leave Saudi Arabia alone. Coincidentally, you have a very good working relationship with Saudi Arabia. In other words, there is one rule for Saudi Arabia and another rule for Iran. Hypocrisy demonstrated here? 2. Stop creating war. Well informed and well-read people know that the US thrive on arms trade. You create the war and fund the enemies and sedate your own people with entertainment biz. 3. Treat the original owner of our lands better. Are Americans aware of their history? How the very land they live on was acquired by tricking the Native Americans (The Indians) to sell them vast lands for colourful beads? Where are all the Native Americans now? The ones at Indian gatherings now are mostly dressed up Puerto Ricans. What right have you got to demand anything from other countries when the very foundation of your history was forged on deceit and trickery, robbing the natives of their lands and genocides of millions of Native Americans. I have yet to include that your economy is as strong as it is today only through the exploitation of millions of African slaves. 4. Stop attacking weaker nations to steal their resources. Everybody knows that you have so much resources in your country especially oil but you choose to buy and steal from other countries to preserve your own resources. 5. Pull your military bases out of the countries around the world. America has 180+ military bases around the world and none of the countries want them there. This is like a mafia offering protection. What right or business have you got in putting your bases there? 6. Sort out the crap in your own back yard first before sticking your nose in other countries business. You have more murders per capita than any country in the civilised world. What about the drug abuse and unemployment? You cant even control your own problems what nerve have you to demand or expect anything from other countries?
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 10:14:34 +0000

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