....Unas líneas interesantes de David duChemin (Fotógrafo) para - TopicsExpress


....Unas líneas interesantes de David duChemin (Fotógrafo) para este 2015 y para los años que le sigan ... un pensamiento con el que me identifico total, absoluta y completamente.... You, January 01, are a charlatan for making us believe you’re any different than the ones that came before or after you. This is an open letter to all 365 days of you, together representing yourselves as the collective Year of 2015. We are not fooled. You do not bring with you a new start, fresh opportunities or any of the other drivel we ourselves have been circulating about you. You do not lie before us like a blanket of snow or any of those other metaphors that are more put together from our hopes, and wishes, than from the years of experience from which we should, instead, be drawing the wisdom to know this: you are not who you say you are. You, Thursday, January 01, 2015, have no more power than the day before you, Wednesday, December 31, 2014. Nor any more than the day we assume will follow. There is no magic here. If anything, there is only the deception that leads us to believe you are something you are not. Your efforts to convince me, and the ones I love, that this year is the year we are going to get our shit together, learn Spanish, write that novel, or repair that broken relationship, seem too vaguely familiar to me. Didn’t we go through this last year with your predecessor? What I have learned, and the reason for my insolence – forgive me – is that you do not, in fact, exist at all. You are a chimera. A promise of days ahead that you can not yourself fulfill. You are a like a TV infommercial, crying: “But wait, there’s more! If you buy all 365 days of us as a bundle, we’ll be new and improved!” It’s been amusing to watch you try the same old antics, whispering into our ears the tired promise: But this year will be different. It never is. People will still disappoint me, my loved ones will still get sick and die. I will laugh plenty, and cry a lot. I will wrestle with the muse and face daily challenges. Just like I’ve done, lo, these many thousands of days of my life. As we live our moments and hours and days, so we live our lives. The year is just too big a block of time to be meaningful to any of us, except in hindsight, as a box for storing the memories of the past. If anything, it is the hour, the day, the present moment, that has power. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be different. It doesn’t mean I can’t change. It certainly does not mean that every day over the next 365 of them, I won’t live with resolve, choose to write a story that is willful and courageous and human, or do the best work of my life. It does not mean that I can’t get in shape, love the ones closest to me, or change the world for a handful of people. I can. And I will. But I will do it every minute of every day, regardless of what the calendar says. And I will not wait for a new week, new month, or new year to re-calibrate my heart, or my habits. Your power, if you have any, is giving people the permission to believe life happens in larger blocks of time than it does, and in so doing you chip a little of our daily resolve away, all the while talking big about resolutions: “This year I will…” Nonsense. The only change that has ever stuck is the one that happens on an anonymous day of the week, one that is remembered because we finally had enough, made the change, and moved forward, each day making the change. You, January 01, are a charlatan for making us believe you’re any different than the ones that came before or after you. Which shouldn’t surprise us. Janus, the Roman God for whom you are named, has two faces – one to look forward, one to look backwards. If only you were more able to look into the present, which is where the rest of us live, and where the only resolve that will ever stick is made. And in regards for the ones that change their lives beginning on this day, January 01, don’t you dare take the credit for it. It has never had a thing to do with you, but with the one who rallies her will and and acts. You could be Febutember the 42nd for all we care. The only power that ever lay in you was what we did with you, not what you did for us. 2015, I’m grateful for you. But I’m happy with things one day at a time. In the end that’s the only way I’m going to be able to look back at you with the fondness I hope I will after I’ve lived deeply these next 365 days, or however many of them I’ll be given.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 21:53:29 +0000

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