Unbiblical Fantasy—Now Being Promoted in Classrooms! I - TopicsExpress


Unbiblical Fantasy—Now Being Promoted in Classrooms! I recently published a blog post about the new Noah movie from Paramount Pictures. Now, I’ve made my views on this pagan film no secret, including through a recent video review. I viewed the film when it opened, and as I wrote about it in my prior blog post, it was a quite disgusting and evil movie. I wasn’t prepared for how bad Darren Aronofsky’s film really was in regard to how it represented Noah and the God of creation. I have been saddened and surprised that a number of Christian leaders have been encouraging people to see this unbiblical movie, as a way to supposedly “start discussions” about the Bible. But this film is so grossly pagan, and so contrary to the Word of God (and not to mention boring), that I can’t imagine what kind of discussion would be sparked, except a serious critique of how little biblical content there was in the film’s storyline. A Christian would have to spend so much time explaining how wrong the movie was, that I just can’t see this as conducive to presenting the truth of God’s Word and the gospel. Besides, the Hollywood Noah doesn’t present the gospel and doesn’t show humans that they are sinners in need of salvation through Christ. I just don’t see how it could be a tool for evangelism. ... [Read the rest at blogs.answersingenesis.org/blogs/ken-ham/2014/04/10/unbiblical-fantasy-now-being-promoted-in-classrooms/.]
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 14:46:17 +0000

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