Uncle Toms & Black - TopicsExpress


Uncle Toms & Black Christians youtube/watch?v=vLwUA3CHumk&sns=em Ruby, an excellent post. Thank you for confronting this question so forthrightly. The guy in this video is a mess. 1. He calls the Bible a book of fairy tales, which indicates that his entire monologue is intended to destroy the faith of Christians who are deceived by his words. 2. The name of the first slave ship included the name Jesus. So what? Anyone can use the name of any Deity to justify an immoral action, but that doesnt constitute proof that that Deity (assuming you believe the Deity actually exists), APPROVES of that persons actions. 3. He quotes SCRIPTURE to PROVE that JEHOVAH & JESUS CHRIST condone slavery. Unfortunately, the Old Testament (as he notes) is PASSE, and the New Testament verse he quotes is from the Apostle Paul, whose words are NOT the very word of God. Pauls writings were imperfect, and did NOT always come from Gods inspiration. 3. His description of the first slave-ships is vague and questionable. FIRST, Europeans had JUST BEGUN to build ships that could travel around the world. The Renaissance was building, & Europeans were making new and exciting discoveries. The Great Divide between Science & Religion was beginning. What difference does this make? 4. When Europeans discovered the natives of Africa, the Europeans, in their ignorance, perceived the African natives as INFERIORS (ie, they were not finely dressed, they did not have cultivated land, no classical music, no castles, etc, etc). At some point, Europeans offered African tribal leaders manufactured goods (clothing, etc) in exchange for the native individuals who had been outcast from African society because they were criminals or emotionally unstable or otherwise deficient. 5. What the slavers did to these individuals was unquestionably unconscionable, but nonetheless, African tribal leaders BETRAYED and sold their OWN PEOPLE for manufactured goods. But if, and I dont mean to be hurtful to anyone by saying this... But African natives at that time were not experiencing any kind of scientific or intellectual Renaissance... So, all African natives would still be in the very state that existed in Africa before they were brought into Western European society? 6. Do African-Americans TRULY wish that they had not been introduced to Western European culture? 7. Uncle Tom= OREO. In college, I learned that black persons who engaged in white values, such as speaking proper English, showing good manners, or who succeeded financially in a White-Mans Economy, was called an OREO. That means, Black on the outside, but White on the inside. But what exactly does it mean to be black on the inside. 8. ROOTS, by Alex Haley, attempted an answer. Haley posited that Blacks have different Roots from whites. The word ROOTS suggest that blacks and whites are different species, without common roots, suggesting that there are different types of humans, and that whites and blacks might be different types of humans. Since then, African-Americans have been searching for roots, VALUES, which are DIFFERENT from WHITES, and yet will lead to the same results of affluence, & happiness. 9. A house divided against itself cannot stand. The House of African-Americans cannot stand, if they refuse to accept good ideas where they are found. 10) I have said this imperfectly. But I thank you, for asking.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 05:05:19 +0000

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