Under The Old Oak Tree (A story where the main character falls in - TopicsExpress


Under The Old Oak Tree (A story where the main character falls in love with the reader) June 13, Friday I looked in the mirror and frowned. ‘Was this what my life would always be like?’ I thought. I was proud of myself to be attending Brown University in the fall. I mean, what more could I want? It was a private Ivy League school in Rhode Island. I don’t know, maybe I’m just nervous. I just want to be happy…is that too much to ask? I took a deep breath and pulled my long wavy auburn hair into a ponytail. Then I gave myself a lecture. ‘Talia, you have less than 3 months to pull yourself together. Now is not the time to have cold feet. You can do this. Brown University is a great school and you’re on your way.’ Then I smiled, blew myself a kiss, and went out for a jog. I was glad that I had started my morning with a jog since school ended a week ago. I needed the extra energy boost. As I passed by the old oak tree in the park, I smiled. Then I crossed the street and was thrown to the ground. I hurt all over. I painfully focused on that old oak tree before everything went black… I woke up the next morning in my apartment and something didn’t feel quite right. It was too quiet. I shook the feeling away and went for my morning jog. I stopped at the old oak tree in the park for a rest. I sat down with my back against the large tree trunk and closed my eyes. When I opened them, a good looking guy was sitting next to me. I studied him for a moment. He had short, dark brown hair and beautiful bright green eyes. He had his knees pulled up to his chest, with his arms wrapped around them. He wore blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and was barefoot. He turned to me and smiled. “I read your book,” he said, with a slight English accent. I looked at him, confused. “I didn’t write a book,” I told him. “Isn’t your name Talia Shea?” “Yes, it is, but…” I started. I really didn’t know what to say. “I recognized you from the picture on the back of your book. It was published 6 months ago today and is called ‘An Untold Love Story,’ he explained. “I honestly don’t remember writing a book,” I replied. “My name is CJ Turner,” he smiled, as he stood up. I shook his hand and let him pull me to my feet. “Can you tell me what the book is about?” I asked. “Well, it’s about a girl named Grace who gets hit by a car and she talks about her thoughts and dreams while she was in a coma.” I stared at him as my eyes grew wide and I fainted. This isn’t real, I thought to myself, as I opened my eyes. CJ was smiling down at me. “What happened?” I asked. “You fainted. Are you ok?” “I think so,” I said, as he pulled me to my feet once again. “I told you what your book was about and then you fainted. Is something wrong?” he asked, concerned. “I don’t know. I feel stuck, but I don’t know why. Did you read the whole book?” “Yes, did you want me to tell you more about it?” “Yes, please,” I smiled. “Alright, well the story starts where Grace wants to change, but doesn’t know how. She gets hit by a car and goes into a coma. Her whole life changes while she’s comatose and she starts living out her dream of becoming a writer. Then she meets this guy and they eventually fall in love.” As I heard CJ tell me about this book I supposedly wrote, I couldn’t help thinking that the book was not only by me, but maybe it was about me. Was that possible? I don’t remember a thing. The next morning when I woke up, it felt like déjà vu. I changed into a pair of yoga capris, a tank top, socks and sneakers. Then I pulled my hair into a bun, grabbed a bottle of water from the refrigerator, and went out for my jog. As I jogged my usual route, I tried to remember what I did yesterday, but I couldn’t, which scared me. All I remembered was going out for a jog and meeting CJ. I passed by the park and saw CJ sitting under the old oak tree. He smiled when he saw me. “Good morning,” he said. “Good morning,” I said back as I sat down next to him. Today he was wearing blue jeans and a tan t-shirt, with bare feet. “Where are your shoes?” I asked. “I left them at home. I like walking through the park without shoes,” he smiled. As we walked and talked, he told me about his dream of becoming an artist. “I know this is a strange question, but did I fall asleep at the park yesterday?” I asked him. He laughed. “No, silly. I walked you home. I don’t know what you did after that.” “I don’t remember even going home, but I woke up in bed.” “Well, maybe the rest of the day wasn’t worth remembering,” he said, with a wink. “No seriously CJ, the only thing I remember is meeting you under this old oak tree and talking. I don’t remember going home, eating, going to bed, nothing.” “That is strange, but I wouldn’t worry too much.” “I just feel like my life is at a standstill and that nothing will ever change.” “Do you mean like déjà vu?” “Yes, but I’m wearing different clothes and so are you. It’s like…I’m not sure. I can’t explain it.” He smiled as we continued talking. I woke up the next morning and again, didn’t remember going home. What was wrong with me?! It was like being stuck in a time loop. I wanted to scream. I changed into my jogging clothes and went to the park. CJ was there waiting for me, which was routine now, apparently. I told him that the same thing happened this morning. I woke up and didn’t remember anything after we talked yesterday. “Have you ever thought of changing your routine?” “No, what would I do?” “When you wake up tomorrow, put shorts and a tank top on instead of jogging clothes. Then meet me here at the park.” “Ok. I’ll try that,” I smiled. I woke up the next morning and remembered what CJ had said. I opened my drawer and all I saw were yoga pants, yoga capris, and tank tops. I thought I was hallucinating, so I closed the drawer and reopened it. Nothing had changed. I was so confused and frustrated. I changed into my jogging clothes and met CJ at the park. “I thought you were going to wear something different,” he said. “I tried, but I apparently don’t own anything else!” “Maybe this will help,” he said, handing me a book. I looked at the cover. It was the book that I had written. “I really wrote this?” I asked, more to myself. “Yes and it’s a great book,” he smiled. I opened it and it was blank. “Um CJ, the book is blank.” “It’s not blank to me,” he said, watching as I flipped through the pages. “When is this weirdness going to end?!” I shouted. I was feeling frustrated as I handed the book back to him. “Ok, so to you, your book is blank. So…” “I don’t know. I feel like I’m on a different planet, living someone else’s life.” “Grace said that in the book,” he said, turning to the right page, “She said that word for word.” “Yes, but that book is a story CJ. It’s not real!” “Are you sure it’s not based on your life?” “How could it be? You said it was published a year ago today. I don’t even remember writing a book! Besides she was also in a coma. I’m not in a coma and I never was.” “Is there any other explanation for this weirdness?” He asked. “No,” I sighed, loudly, “But if I’m in a coma, then how am I here and that you can see me?” “Maybe all this is in your head. It’s weird that there is never anyone at the park or anywhere around us when we’re here.” “Yes, I admit that’s weird. I don’t know what to do. Let’s say hypothetically that I wrote the book and now things that happened in that book are coming true. It’s just not logical.” “Does everything have to make sense?” “Well, I think everything deserves a logical explanation.” “Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?” “If I did, then what’s the reason for all this?” I asked, gesturing with my hands. “Well, what’s the first thing you remember before everything got weird?” I thought for a moment. I really didn’t know. I felt tears well up in my eyes and run down my face. I was scared. What was happening to me? I covered my face with my hands and sat on the bench to cry. CJ sat next to me and put his arm around me. “We’ll figure this out,” he said, sounding sincere, as he kissed the top of my head. I wiped my eyes and let out a loud sigh. “Ok, the book says that Grace was in the hospital, so let’s go to the hospital and see if you’re there.” “Are you crazy?! I’m here CJ, so how can I be there?” “Trust me, ok? Please?” “Fine. I know it’s not far from here,” I said, as he followed along beside me. He had to run to catch up and eventually took my hand. We finally arrived and went inside. We approached the desk and the receptionist looked right at CJ. “Can I help you?” she asked. She seemed to look right through me. I waved my hand in front of her face and she didn’t even blink. I gasped. “Hi, I’m here to see Talia Shea,” he said politely. “Are you a relative?” she asked. “No, but I’m a friend.” “She’s in ICU. Only relatives are allowed to visit.” “Ok, well I’ll see if her parents are there, so I can talk to them.” “That’s fine. The ICU rooms are on the third floor,” she smiled. I had to bite my tongue until we got to the elevator. “CJ she never saw me! Does that mean I’m dead?! Am I a ghost?!” “We’ll figure it out,” he smiled, squeezing my hand. We arrived on the third floor and found the ICU rooms. I was relieved when I saw my parents. I pointed them out to him. He sat down next to my mom as I paced the floor in front of them, silently eavesdropping. “Excuse, I’m a friend of Talia’s. How is she?” “She’s in a coma from being hit by a car a few days ago. There haven’t been any changes,” she sniffled. I looked into ICU room 3 and saw myself. I was lying on my back covered with a white sheet up to my chin. I had bruises and cuts on my face, a bandage around my head, and my left arm was in a cast. I was hooked to an oxygen tank, heart monitor, and IVs. It didn’t seem real. I rested my forehead against the glass and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I was in the room with myself. I looked at the door and it was closed. I saw the others sitting down and nurses walking around, as if I wasn’t there. I saw CJ glance over at me and smile. I smiled back and he turned away. Then I saw him stand at the window as he looked in at me. He rested his forehead against the glass and then his hand. I approached him and rested my hand against the glass over his and smiled. Then I turned back to myself and bit my bottom lip. I couldn’t help but wonder if this happened because I was meant to meet CJ. I mean the girl in my book was hit by a car and ended up in a coma. What if it really was me and I actually did write a book based on something that really happened to me and it just hadn’t been written yet? Maybe I couldn’t see the words, because I wasn’t meant to know what happened to Grace. If I had known, I’d be able to change it. Can the future really be written for us already? I turned back to CJ and he was still standing with his forehead and hand against the glass. I placed my hand over his again and whispered “Thank you,” and smiled. He whispered, “You’re welcome,” and smiled back. Then I did what I’ve only seen in the movies. I stood over my body and touched my chest. I didn’t feel a thing, until I started to breathe hard. I couldn’t open my eyes and I was scared. I moved my fingers and heard beeping. “She’s awake!” I heard a male voice say. Whose voice was it? I didn’t recognize it. I blinked my eyes open, but the lights were too bright. I heard people I guessed were doctors moving around in the room, poking and prodding me. When I finally opened my eyes, a nurse was smiling down at me. “How do you feel?” she asked. Good question, I thought. How did I feel? Let’s see, sore, confused. I opened my mouth to speak, but just coughed. The nurse gave me some water and smiled. A few moments later, my mom rushed into the room and kissed my bandaged forehead. “Hi, baby,” she said happily, with tears running down her face. I smiled, but it hurt.“Oh, honey. I’m so glad you’re awake,” she smiled, squeezing my hand. I winced, because it hurt. “I’m sorry, sweetie,” she said, “I’ll send dad in,” she said, kissing my forehead again. Dad kissed my cheek and told me that he loved me. I was at the hospital for a few more days before I was released. My parents insisted that I stay with them for a week at their house in Sarasota Springs, New York, where I had grown up. They said they wanted to keep an eye on me to be sure I was ok. I didn’t mind and I couldn’t argue. I loved my parents. I finally went back home to my cozy one bedroom apartment in New York City a week and a half later. When I woke up in my own bed the following morning, I smiled. I wanted to go out for my morning jog, so I got up to get dressed. I pulled my auburn hair into a ponytail and smiled. My blue eyes were actually sparkling. I took my usual route, by the old oak tree at the park. This time I didn’t walk past it though. I sat down with my back against the tree trunk and closed my eyes. A few moments later I heard the same voice I had heard at the hospital when I was waking up. “Hi CJ,” I smiled, opening my eyes. “You remember me.” “How can I forget the person who rescued me?” I asked, as he pulled me to my feet. We held hands as we walked through the park and talked. I looked at all the smiling faces of people with their children and dogs. It wasn’t a dream this time. I squeezed CJ’s hand and smiled. “Now let’s talk about that book that you should write,” he smiled, as he kissed my cheek..
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 02:52:20 +0000

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