Undoubtedly, the greatest demostration of faith ever demonstrated - TopicsExpress


Undoubtedly, the greatest demostration of faith ever demonstrated by a human being , hands down has to go to the greatest apostle of Faith ever, Smith Wigglesworth. Smith Wigglesworth, is said to have raised people from the dead. Not once, but 23 times during his ministry. Smith Wigglesworth will always be known for his great healing ministry. Smith Wigglesworth Smith Wigglesworth, was born June 8, 1859 to very poor parents, in Menston England. His father worked hard to feed his family , making very little money for his labor. His mother pulled turnips , and Smith often worked with her. Young Smith, became a born again christian at 8 yrs. old. His parents werent christians but they often attended the Methodist church. Smith, married a Salvation Army Preacher, by the name of Polly Featherstone, on May 2, 1882. Smith Wigglesworth was illiterate . His wife Polly, taught him how to read. Smith learned how to read the Bible. The Bible, was the only reading material he allowed in his home. Smith, and his wife Polly, had one daughter, and four sons. Smith was a plumber by trade, but soon abandoned it after he became a full time Preacher. His Healing Ministry Begins From a very young age, Smith Wigglesworth had a deep yearning for God. He would always pray, asking God to heip in certain situations.When Smith, was 20 yrs. old he moved to Liverpool , and the power of God came on him. He soon developed a desire in his heart to help people. He would often visit the sick , in the hospitals. He gathered together young people, in the ship yards, and docks and would preach the gospel to them. Many were saved. One morning Smiths children were very sick, so he and Polly, laid hands on them and prayed. In an instant they were healed. This is when Smiths Wigglesworth faith, really blossomed, seeing the mighty power of God. Smith Wigglesworth, and his wife Polly vowed to eachother that they would never call for a physician. They would always rely on God for divine healing. Smith had great compassion for the sick and needy, which he demonstrated through out his life. God was getting ready to do great miracles through his servant, Smith Wigglesworth. Nobody knew just what a commotion , would be stirred up by this great man of God. Not even Smith, was ready for what was about to happen in his life. One day he was asked to preach at a church, in the regular preachers abscence. He was quite reluctant to do so but they insisted. To Smiths amazment, preaching the Word of God came quite naturally to him. Many were healed that day as well. A man who was crippled with crutches was instantly healed. This was the beginning of a great healing ministry. Divine Visitations Smith Wigglesworth was said to be visited by Jesus, himself. At many of his healings he would see Jesus Christ in the room. In particular , there was a woman , who lay dying in bed. This woman was gravely ill, and the doctors gave her no chance of surviving. But, Smith went to see her, and prayed for her. Before he prayed for her Jesus Christ appeared at the foot of the bed, and gave Smith a smile. Who wouldnt have great faith seeing Jesus Christ in the room. Smith knew instantly this woman would recover. This woman was healed, and went on to raise many children. Smith Wigglesworths faith is tested Now Smith, and his wife had vowed to eachother that they would never call a physcian. One day Smith was taken with a great pain in his side, and it only got worse. Smith, and his wife immediately began to pray. As Smith lay dying in bed, his wife had no choice but to call a physician to see her husband. They had prayed all night and their was no change in his condition. The doctor had confirmed their worst fears. Smith had suffered an appendicitis attack. Their was no hope. All they could do is keep Smith comfortable and wait for him to die. It was way too advanced for him to have an operation , and he was very weak. Smiths wife called for some friends to come and pray for her husband. They immediatly came and this particular woman, believed all sickness was brought on by the devil. She immediately cast the devil out of Smith, and he was instantly healed. Raising The Dead Probably the one thing Smith Wigglesworth is remembered by, is having great faith even to raise the dead. A dear friend since his boyhood lie dying in bed, and Smith was called. When he arrived his friend was already dead. Smith was deeply overcome with emotion, and began to cry out to God to bring his friend back from the dead. The dead man instantly opened his eyes. By this time the great healing Preacher, was traveling all over the world holding revival meetings. One time a woman was dead, and Smith carried her and put her dead body up against a wall , and rebuked death in the name of Jesus, and instantly life returned into the woman, and she was healed of all illness. The Death Of the Great Apostle of Faith It is not known exactly what happened that fateful day, Smith Wigglesworth went home to be with the Lord. He was said to be attending a funeral of one of his fellow preachers, when he suddenly bowed his head and went on to his reward. Smith Wigglesworth , The Great Apostle of Faith died on May 12, 1947 very peacfully, at the ripe old age of 87. Their will never be another man like Smith Wigglesworth, and their has never been to this day. Sources shekinahgloryministries.org/images/59304/wigglesworth.htm godsgenerals/person_s_wigglesworth.htm
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 16:35:19 +0000

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