Unforgettable moment. Circa 2008. On business in New York, I was - TopicsExpress


Unforgettable moment. Circa 2008. On business in New York, I was surprised to see a cluster of excited people in the normally quiet lobby of our hotel. At the very center of the group was the unmistakable, brilliant smile of Mr. Tiger Woods. Impressive. Just outside the revolving door to East 51st Street, even more impressive, was Mohammed Ali leaning with his back against the wall, his great head nodding slightly, as if he was mildly agreeing with something. Someone grabbed my hand at that moment, a very ancient, very patrician lady in a wheelchair. With great intensity she said to me, Is that Ali?, Yes. He has Parkinsons, like me, doesnt he? and she turned to her attendant saying, Take me to him. I got into our car at the curb and saw Ali bending to the woman, listening as she spoke, tenderly holding both her trembling hands in his.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Feb 2014 04:38:54 +0000

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