United States was the Virginia Company before it became US Inc. - TopicsExpress


United States was the Virginia Company before it became US Inc. and is Owned by the British Crown An expansion into the covert deception that has been placed upon this nation. The younger we are taught the lies the longer we accept them as fact and this is why a sparse basic history is taught in schools anymore and at an early age. We must remember that the winners write the history any way they wish to and the deception ultimately leads to compliance, as far less Americans would willingly pay taxes if they knew it was ending up in foreign governments coffers. There would likely be a state of perpetual revolt. It is only by deception that people would willingly support the globalist forces which have continuously been secretly and in plain sight, hiding, reallocating, and dismantling the former Republics wealth, resources, and property. Only those of the Royal British bloodline ever become president bar one. One must keep in mind that the democracy these politicians speak is an endless cycle of lobbyists passing laws placing global corporate interests above all human and cares not about America nor its inhabitants. Democracy is nothing more than mob rule by an elite oligarchy. All of the money in the bailout of AIG ended up in the coffers of Society Generale. The majority of American Mortgages are tied to Deutsche bank of Germany, who simultaneously strengthens its grip on Euro Nations while strategically positioning a growing grasp and control of the worlds best markets and absorb the best US technology companies. NAFTA was no accident by ill informed Americans who were somehow tricked or made a mistake. Obama said that when elected he would make it his priority to get us out of the war. I believe that was his intention but alas we are still needlessly at war. The United States has no money of its own. Why did President Wilson regret enacting the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 waiting until near death to express this ? President Wilson, who signed the illegal Federal Reserve Act of 1913 into law, had this to say before his death: I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by a system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world. No longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but of Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men. Does this sound as if it came to fruition using recent hindsight? Why was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 illegal? It was introduced for vote to Congress on December 23, 1913. A time when the majority of congressmen had already gone home for the holidays. Hence, there were not enough left in the Congress to make up a legal quorum (NAFTA also conducted in a similar fashion). This illegal privately bank owned institution has directed the financial policies of our country for almost a full century. The Federal Reserve is not a Federal Agency, nor arm of the Federal Government, yet it may as well be as the Federal Government will defend it over and above any US citizen or group of citizens. It is comprised of the heads of the most influential foreign banks and financial institutions not only inside but outside of America. *I do not endorse Jordan Maxwell or however he spells it. There is hardly a US Dollar it is just referred to it as such. If the U.S. was truly independent of globalist control, a true US Dollar could be created and our deficit could be solved almost overnight. If every person in America began accepting silver and gold as payment for goods and services, the very non American controlling powers that be, would cease to exist. There is no ownership of land. You are a tenant on your own land. The system is confiscatory by design once heirs cannot pay property tax. To gain a broader scope on how the wealth is stolen and hidden so the taxpayer can continue to be fleeced, it is recommended that you watch the free documentary Corporation Nation by Clint Richardson. Use caution when administering the Red Pill as the side affects have changed peoples world views forever.
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 00:44:58 +0000

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