Universal Synchronicity. When I notice something that seems too - TopicsExpress


Universal Synchronicity. When I notice something that seems too coincidental to simply be coincidental, I think of it as Universal Synchronicity. I came up with the term. Ive been meaning to write about this for a while now. What it means is that I notice something happening that doesnt seem random. Its as if the circumstances were designed to be this way. Id like to give a few examples. Honestly, I should be able to recall exact accounts but it happens to me so often that I cant manage to remember them all. So Im going to make up a few scenarios that are like what I go through all the time. Ill think a word or phrase... and the tv will say the word or something extremely similar... in the background. This doesnt really count for common words. If I thought of the word heat and Im watching the weather during a heatwave... That doesnt count. Its more about uncommon words. If I thought something like Helicopters are inefficient. while walking into my house... Then the news says helicopters... or inefficient... Then I notice and shrug. Universal Synchronicity goes further than mere words. Lets go back to the phrase Helicopters are inefficient. If I walk out of the house thinking that and see a helicopter overhead... Its hard to explain completely. It isnt about thoughts or words as much as it is about noticing a pattern. I just remembered a real example. The other day I was thinking for some strange reason about how umbrellas are bulky and usually break... How awesome would it be to have an umbrella that deflected the rain without using a canopy? What if it would have some sort of invisible barrier instead so that it wouldnt turn inside out or get caught on things? The next day I saw an air umbrella online while web-surfing on Pinterest. I wasnt even looking for it. It was just there. bi.gazeta.pl/im/e9/0f/10/z16839145Q,Tak-ma-dzialac-Air-Umbrella.jpg Sometimes, you might be in a car and hear that the car next to you at the red light is listening to the same station you are. That can be written off as a common occurrence. Thats not a big deal. Now if youre listening to your favorite song on a CD you got twenty years ago and theyre listening to the same song... Thats a lot less coincidental. Whenever I notice these things I consider it a sign that Im on the right track somehow. I see it as confirmation that the route or path or train of thought Im on is the right way to go. Im not very religious. I consider myself to be more spiritual and less formal in terms of beliefs... but if there is a God or Gods in the classic sense, Id like to think of Universal Synchronicity as a nod of approval or tip of the hat. Im sharing this because it tends to lead or guide me towards good situations and places... Maybe it will help you. Today marks the anniversary of my page and I thought of this subject would be appropriate. To me, its an important matter. Im hoping you will benefit from reading this and perhaps youll notice. Feel free to post your experiences in the comments if you start to realize its happening around you. I guarantee it does. I know it for a fact. Im not talking about saying Jinx! when somebody says the same word. Those kinds of small and common place instances are too easily explained away. Im talking about things like when I first started noticing it years and years ago... (but before I noticed its significance)... I was sitting on the toilet. (I almost didnt decide to share this. haha) Anyway... I was staring at a spider I saw on the wall when I heard the television in the background say Spider loud and clear. I have to laugh. My last name is Silva. Facebook has this new thing that when you type something with a capital letter it instantly wants to link the word to something. Spider makes Anderson The Spider Silva pop up. Thats explainable but still borderline U-S to me. So yeah. Im not hash-tagging like I normally do or linking to my readers guide because thatgets tedious, repetitive and monotonous.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 23:20:40 +0000

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