Unrepentant Thieves In The Holy Land One of the reasons why - TopicsExpress


Unrepentant Thieves In The Holy Land One of the reasons why Muslims and Christians go to the holy lands is to go and seek the face of God for spiritual cleansing by asking for forgiveness of sin, spiritual blessing and material blessing. The number of Muslims and Christians that go to Saudi Arabia and Israel on yearly basis continues to increase at an astronomical rate. But instead of this yearly pilgrimage to the holy lands to have positive effect on our society, the reverse is the case. As a matter of fact, the more the increase in the number of our pilgrims, the more the increase in the rate of crime and corruption in our society. This yearly pilgrimage has not reflected in our morality and our religion. To make the matter worse is the culture of using the tax payers’ money to sponsor corrupt government officials, traditional rulers, politicians, criminals and crooks to the holy lands. Whenever they come back, they are quick to tell anybody that cares to listen that they have gone to pray for peace and progress of Nigeria. But nobody is deceived that the peace they are talking about is the peace that will allow them to continue to steal and enjoy their loots. There are many state governments that could not pay their employees’ salaries but were able to sponsor as many as five hundred people to the holy lands. The case of the Federal Government this year was even worse. The teachers of the Nigerian universities have been on strike for almost four months because the government said that there is no money to meet up with their demands which include provisions and upgrading of infrastructures and facilities. But the government had money to sponsor more than 1000 corrupt politicians, fake and hungry pastors and Imams, sycophants and other people of dubious character to the holy lands. Consider the case of the aviation minister who illegally forced the officials of three agencies under her ministry to buy six armored cars at an outrageous amount that was not budgeted for. The total cost of the illegal acquisition of these armored cars is in millions of dollars. This is happening at a time that most of the facilities in our aviation sectors are either outdated or poorly maintained. This is happening at a time that air crafts are dropping like ripe mango from the sky of our air space and many innocent souls are being lost. To make the matter worse, the minister said it was an act of God. At the peak of the outcry of the populace, she was quickly dispatched to the holy land purportedly for the signing of an agreement with the state of Israel. In a civilized society, she was supposed to be facing interrogations at home from the law enforcement officials. For the mere fact that president Jonathan allowed the aviation minister to travel out of the country to go and sign any document on behalf of Nigeria is an indication that the government of Jonathan is a corrupt government that is run by thieves. As a face saving measure, the president set up a panel of inquiry to investigate Oduahgate but refused to call the minister back home. Even a member of the panel, the National Chief Security Adviser was dinning and winning with the accused aviation minister in the holy land. With this type of scenario, anybody can predict the outcome of the report of the panel. The aviation minister must have prayed fervently in the holy land that the outcry of the people over her theft case will die down naturally but I don’t think that God will answer that prayer because we cannot continue to be in sin and expect grace to abound. The scripture says, “God forbid” (Romans 6:1-2) Proverbs 28:13 also says that anybody that covers his/her sin will not prosper. It does not matter whether you relocate your house to the holy land. You might have climbed mount Arafat to cast stone against Satan, if you don’t repent, the judgment of God will hunt you down. You might have gone to Israel and bath in river Jordan, pray in the garden of Gethsemane and cry at the tomb of Jesus, if you don’t repent, the judgment of God will come upon you. I advise all our corrupt leaders who continue to steal and loot the treasury of the nation and refuse to repent but keep performing holy pilgrimage every year with the tax payers’ money to go and read the whole of chapter 34 of the book of prophet Ezekiel. I pray you will all repent before it is too late. Making it to the holy land is nothing compared to making heaven.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 02:00:20 +0000

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