Unsugar coated preaching : Whilst the Kingdom of Heaven isnt about - TopicsExpress


Unsugar coated preaching : Whilst the Kingdom of Heaven isnt about eating and drinking .................................God has given us clean and unclean for a reason. - somebody LOVES PORK~ & IT ISNT GOD. * BRING OUT THE HAM ! NEIGHBOUR! FAMILY ! BRING OUT THE PIG! DRESS IT UP IN GLITTERING JUICES AND APPLES! do it TOGETHER 0.0 - Anybody eat rat? snakes? apes? snails?cockroaches? fleas? flies too? (puke*) * OH REALLY! WORD OF GOD IN THE HOLY BIBLE SAYS ~ - Isaiah 66:17 Those who consecrate and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one who is among those who eat the flesh of pigs, rats and other unclean things--they will meet their END together WITH THE ONE THEY FOLLOW, declares the LORD. * Isaiah 66:15-17 “For behold, the Lord will come in fire, and his chariots like the whirlwind, to render his anger in fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire. For by fire will the Lord enter into judgment, and by his sword, with all flesh; and those slain by the Lord shall be many. “Those who sanctify and purify themselves to go into the gardens, following one in the midst, eating pigs flesh and the abomination and mice, shall come to an end together, declares the Lord. - (- set them selves apart to who-satan OCCULT) - Luke 8:33 Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: you wont catch demons by them being in a pig and consuming the animal ( but you would have defiled your body - the TEMPLE OF GOD.) .... its not to be silly - but know that uncleanliness is not of GOD and He has given these as scavengers to clean up the refuse...... what will happen with these walking trash cans? well when GOD COMES TO DO HIS FINAL TIDYING ~ THEY PERISH. HE DISPERSES OF THEM. - BUT - JESUS CAME AND THATS done away with GOD SAYS ~ DO NOT CALL COMMON WHAT THE LORD HAS CLEANSED.........yes? - Peter was being shown the sharing of the Gospel and the reception of the Holy Spirit that is to go out to BOTH Jew & Gentiles.. not just the blood born Jewish people.. Jesus said Salvation is of the ________ ..JEWS....... < fill in the blanks.... we become Jews like Him through His blood! * Acts 10:28 And he said to them, You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a man who is a Jew to associate with a foreigner or to visit him; and yet God has shown me that I should not call any man unholy or unclean. * - circumcision of the heart! God showed Peter the animals and that of unclean and clean , including rats , snakes, frogs , apes and every beast of the earth - to bring to his remembrance what He - God gave to the Jews in Law!! YOU SHALL NOT TOUCH THE UNCLEAN- And then to BOTH test and prove Peter against himself, kind of an analogy - God says take and eat! Peter replied ..i have never touched unclean or put in my mouth.........but God is saying it is alright in this moment and Peter still said no - to God, his beliefs are steady as a Jew but again to take that much the stubborness away that He might see it is GOOD TO DO GOOD , Much like doing Good on the Sabbath. - GOD IS SAYING LOOK ITS ALRIGHT- I HAVE GIVEN MY SON TO ALL ....FOR ALL ARE SINNERS- JEWISH BLOOD AND GENTILE ARE SINNERS - GO GIVE TO ALL WHAT I HAVE GIVEN - GO AND PREACH THE GOSPEL TO ALL! see now that where Peter got the idea and pride stuck within him that only those of Jewish blood were to receive the Holy Spirit & Baptism.... ..........he needed to see beyond Jewish blood - that whatever God gives and says is - IS! ...... MUST TAKE THE BIBLE IN ITS CONTEXT! ~ because this is the Gospel - THAT GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD , BOTH JEW AND GENTILE - THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON THAT WHO SO EVER BELIEVES IN HIM SHALL NOT PERISH! * God DOES NOT GO AGAINST HIMSELF ~ HE IS RIGHTEOUS ~ NO SIN ABOUND IN HIM. - He is not man that He should lie nor repent. - * Deuteronomy 14 : 8The pig, because it divides the hoof but does not chew the cud, it is unclean for you. YOU SHALL NOT EAT ANY OF THEIR FLESH nor touch their carcasses . * There are people eating the flesh of swine ~ OCCULT and satanists ... God does not want His people to be counted with them - He warns : Isaiah 65:4 who sit among the graves and spend their nights keeping secret vigil; who eat the flesh of pigs, and whose pots hold broth of impure meat; * It is sheer amazing how many things the Lord has spoken that we are in a hurry to DO AWAY WITH - Hurriedly to follow after THOSE WHO DRESS UP THE DEVILS DOCTRINE! BECAUSE THEY LOVE WHAT IS ABOMINABLE! Hear now the word of God says God is Holy and ye shall be holy as unto our Father in Heaven! * The idea of the serpent - the rebellious one the devil is TO TWEEK a little here and there ... till we stray into sin BECAUSE ONCE WE START TO MAKE WHAT WE WANT OUT OF THE WORD - WE CHANGE WHO HAS AUTHORITY OVER US.... Sin begins to and does not look like sin .... and many more and deep abominable things to the Lord can follow. It is all a choice. to continue in the way of gentiles after the blood of JESUS... OR to follow unto Holiness. REPENT! ~ GOD SAYS SO - IT IS SO.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 17:20:30 +0000

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