Update from yesterday I went home from work and slept for 16 hours - TopicsExpress


Update from yesterday I went home from work and slept for 16 hours so sorry for the delay. Update 2p thurs: rough night. They lowered the pca dose from 10mcg per push/10 pushes avail per hour to 6mcg. this had her awake more frequently but describing pain as a 9. Ramped it back up to 8mcg this am and added an underlying dose of tylenol orally. foley came out this am too. Shes been up in chair once and peed seated twice yay! two bites of jello early am, one just now. Pain mgt just came by. Changing the pca to be very strong - 20mcg per push, but only 3 avail per hour. Well see if that evens it out better. Expecting seated xrays this aft, trying broth soonish, and may try the massage chair as a diferent position this eve. prob changing status to tcu today but not change room til tomorrow. Right now shes saying she wants gma&poppa tomorrow-badly- but isnt ready for anyone else just yet. shes alert approx 5-10 min every 2 hours. Will update if the pain med change alters any of that.
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 12:46:55 +0000

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