Update on Anna Emily for friends, family and Prayer Warriors On - TopicsExpress


Update on Anna Emily for friends, family and Prayer Warriors On Friday night Anna experienced a Neurocardiogenic Syncope which is a type of fainting episode that happens when theres a trigger (stress, etc) and the nervous system/ brain misfires signals to the heart, temporarily interrupting blood flow to the brain, in this case the fever, infection and stress from surgery were the triggers, all combined to cause such an intense misfire that Anna actually had a stroke. She lost all ability to communicate verbally and was not able to understand verbal communication either as well as having right side weakness. Here is how things have progressed since then from Emily: her fever is currently at 101.8. she has right-sided weakness. her body is still pretty sick. theyve put her on different antibiotics to kick the infection. because of the stroke, shes relearning a lot of stuff (things, places, words), and the fever is only adding to her confusion. every so often, she calls for Mama and me, even though were right near her (which is hard on the family to deal with) ************ But she is expected to have speech and physical rehab and recover and we are know this infection does not belong here and must go, in Jesus name, because Anna is a child of God! Anna has however shown her true spirit and that she is a fighter! Over the weekend we have found that she can still communicate via photos (like stickers here on FB chat, and is regaining some words. She, herself has done a lot of reconnecting to words and objects...like she spent quite sometime watching her Dad drink a cup of coffee and then went and found that cup on the FB chat stickers and shared it with me. At that point we started helping her to reconnect her world. She has so far regained her ability to understand limited verbal instruction, although still cant speak it and is reconnecting names with faces and why they are important as well as finding the match in photo and sometimes typing the word. But up til late Sunday she had almost no response interaction you could say a sentence and she would select a word that meant something to her but she would not respond in text or word to the actual sentence, just identified something that matched with her. But on Sunday Anna showed that she was not only still in possession of her long term memory and able to sort things but her sense of humor is still there too. We had been playing a game of Word Match via chat when I decided to see if I could get some response interaction She had correctly identified that one of the people in the room with her was Trevor aka Ever (one of her brothers) so I asked her to match him to his relationship this is the following conversation. ************************************************* Kat: is Ever (Trevor) your 1. Brother 2. sister 3. Uncle Anna: 1 Kat: Awesome! Kat: and he is a great brother too isnt he? even if his feet smell funny from over here where I am. (a joke from a conversation she, Emily and I had a few days before the stroke) Kat: just joking I know its not true Anna: >-< it True ************************************ needless to say we all had a good laugh, including Ever and it was a big relief to see her shining through that way, even if it was a momentary thing. We know this shows lots of promise for the future. The Great news is that Anna has made it through this with Zero seizures and we want to Praise God for that as it is a Huge Victory for her as the seizures were also stress and fever related. It is said you see the true colors of family when a member becomes ill like this.. and this is so true in Annas case, this whole two years has been a real testament to the blessing that is her family and their faith. But none more telling than over this weekend. Emily told me that her mother has spent many hours sitting with Anna, stroking her and repeating positive sayings, quotes, scripture and confessions, one of which was there will be no seizures. your brain is calm, and working properly. And I think you will agree that we are seeing that positive confession come to pass. God is still on the throne, Through Jesus Name she is still healed and the devil is still a liar! Many have queried why is Anna under such attack...well I know that she has a powerful message and a Powerful Testimony and she is going to use it to the Glory of God... and no matter how loud he barks that little itty, bitty imp of a satan is going to LOSE this battle.. Anna is healed and will Live and declare Gods Mighty Power. Romans 12:12New International Version (NIV) 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. youtu.be/R0gu0nOaFsI
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 03:40:31 +0000

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