Update on Janey, Mac, and Baby Isaac-- Easy one first...Isaac is - TopicsExpress


Update on Janey, Mac, and Baby Isaac-- Easy one first...Isaac is still doing great. He gets to spend at least a half hour daily with mom in Kangaroo Care, which is skin on skin bonding. Hes growing, and all parts are working perfectly. Mac- well, hes getting burned out keeping the road hot back and forth to Dover. But he is a vigilant husband and father. Hes eating fairly well and sleeping when he can...avg 5-6 hrs per nite. Now for Janey, She was moved to Neurology Critical Care Unit. The MRI came back as normal showing no clots or bleeds. The drs say there are some gray areas that the MRI would not pick up on, so they are going to do some more tests to see how fast a stimulus will get to the brain, and how fast the brain responds and how. Janeys mom and I have seen some signs that seem to indicate Janey is trying to connect somehow. Its all in her movements, responses to when baby is with her or being taken away, eye activity, and things like that. Please keep praying for all involved...the medical staff, the family, the medical results, wisdom, comfort, healing, refreshment for all. Allow God to lead you in how to pray and what to pray for. Thanks to all! k.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 00:42:50 +0000

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