Update on my Tuscaloosa trip today. My chair canceled my defense. - TopicsExpress


Update on my Tuscaloosa trip today. My chair canceled my defense. Even though she and I worked through the entire dissertation and she told me to send it to the editor (an UA employee who edits dissertations campus-wide and who has already returned it and told me that she expected me to pass with flying colors), I have committee members who did not like the way the data was presented. (Even though I modeled the presentation after other dissertations that have passed UA, that did not seem to matter.) Today was the first day that my actual data was reviewed by anyone other than myself; my chair looked at it today during the time I was supposed to defend. I did not even know things like this could happen. I am posting and sharing so that you all will know. I have tried to make my process transparent as to “pay it forward” and help my graduates understand the process as those who have gone before me have done for me. As of today, I had a meeting with the department head (at my request) and then my chair to develop a plan of action. I will not graduate in December. My advice to candidates is to insist on meeting with both your chair and at least another committee member to review your data before you begin analyzing; do not depend on one member’s advice or opinion. I learned today that part of a committee can change an entire dissertation at the very end. I have never heard of this happening; perhaps it happened to others and they did not want to share out of secrecy or embarrassment. As you know, that is not my style. I am about transparency and sharing to help others learn from experience as I have learned from mine and others. Naturally, I am disappointed but everyone who knows me knows that I am not afraid of hard work and that I do not give up on my goals. Therefore, I will make the necessary adjustments and proceed. I so appreciate all of the love and support that you all have and continue to provide me.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 02:21:25 +0000

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