Upon conclusion of the homeless ministry I proceeded to my car - TopicsExpress


Upon conclusion of the homeless ministry I proceeded to my car parked along side of the road to get a friend a pair of pants that I had promised him a week prior. As Im walking toward my car two men and a woman were standing next to a liquor store about 15 feet behind my car. I did not recognize any of them. One of the men called out to me: Gimme two dollars! I yelled back: Ive got something better! (The Ministry has set rules against handing out money.) The man then proceeded to walk towards me. He was very tall and was walking with a purpose. Should I (Fly) turn around and go back to the safe haven of my brothers and sisters at the ministry? OR (Fight) I proceeded to my car! The man was around 6ft 5in and well over 225 pounds, carrying a 24oz in a brown paper bag! When he got within 2 feet of my face I noticed he was very muscular, and missing the majority of his front teeth. The ones he did have were gold plated. He asked: What can you give me? I told the man about the Ministry he was just down the street from. He told me he knew all about Jesus Christ from spending the last 21 years in prison (explains all the prison stats and the STERN look he was giving me). I was not gonna back down (Fly)! It could be really easy to turn around except Im gonna see this out (Fight)! I knew better than to ask him why he was in prison but he volunteered to me it was from gang banging and dealing crack! He had 4 brothers! All had been murdered in the streets of Alabama from doing the same thing. How it had allowed his mother to die with a broken heart! I let the man continue to talk what I like to call basic Christian philosophy about treating each other as Brothers with respect and how we are in this world just passing through to get to His rewards! He was talking a good game! Yeah, I just called it a game because after talking about rewards in Heaven he pulled out of his pants pocket $20 wrapped around a cigarette.(Remember this was a man that had just asked me for $2.) He explained the lady accompanying he and his friend had just given him the $20 and was begging him to buy her some crack. She said she would make it worth his while! Told me he was gonna teach her a lesson and keep the $20 and not buy the crack! (He is heading down the same slippery slope as his Brothers!) I continued to let the man talk and interjected where I thought was needed never taking or darting my eyes away from him! I learned his name is Son. We shook hands and I asked where he was staying? He said the streets! I invited Son again to the Ministry next Saturday. Told him he could sit in the air conditioning, be served tea and water, have a plate of Churches Chicken but more importantly hear the Word! I told Son it was nice to meet him and stuck my hand out to shake his hand! We shook hands and as I was walking away he called me back and this time with a SMILE on his face said thats not how Brothers separate and with each of our hands at the 45 degree angle we shook hands and gave a mutual hug out of respect! I FORGOT TO OFFER TO PRAY WITH HIM! :
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 00:40:29 +0000

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