Uranus square Pluto – the 5th time Uranus/Pluto have - TopicsExpress


Uranus square Pluto – the 5th time Uranus/Pluto have met.** Cardinal Cross begins - opportunities, the Will to Good for humanity. Purpose, Living it, under the Plan of God. Monday after Easter, April 21, 2014 – Music at the end for those not so solemn - Bees Uranus in Aries (all things new) square Pluto in Capricorn (transforming existing structures). They “meet” in their challenging square at 13 degrees. They affect the Sun of the U.S. which is 12+ degrees Cancer. Sirius is 13 degrees Cancer. We thus have a T-square here. Square challenge us to bring something new forth, take a new direction, anchor this new direction in form & matter. Humanity is deeply challenged. How we receive these energies depends upon our state of awakeness & awareness. Uranus is rebellion on the personality (Mutable cross) building level. On the Soul (Fixed Cross) level, Uranus unifies, brings together – the Ray 7. It brings revelations & new Archetypes for the new Aquarian Age, the New Era Community. Sun is in Taurus – Moon is in Capricorn – 2 earth signs – asking us to be practical today. Notice we are working always within a state of preparation. Notice how the different seasons & festivals & liturgies & celebrations intertwine. All of life on Earth is a spiritual festival, a celebration. The rituals we participate in are the ways we are able to anchor Spirit into matter (Ray 1 into Ray 7). The rituals & celebrations work one upon the other. We have just completed the outer celebrations of the Aries Festival & Easter (Resurrection festival). Our next esoteric festival is Wesak, the Buddha Taurus solar festival at the new moon (May 14th, Wednesday, 24 degrees Taurus). Aries/Easter, the Resurrection Festival was about the Love of God for His People, about the Restoration & thus Resurrection of humanity & the Kingdoms. The Forces of Restoration & the Spirit of Resurrection are streaming in with “healing in their wings.” These “forces” will continue. The next festival esoterically is the Taurus/Wesak (May 14) solar Festival of the Buddha bringing to humanity the “Will of the Father.” Along with the Forces of Enlightenment, to open the minds of humanity so, restored from the Forces of Restoration, restored with hope, we can then have the appropriate discernment & discrimination to understand our present world, discerning the battle between the Forces of Light & Forces of Darkness & be able to choose which side we stand upon. In the Catholic/Christian churches, the Easter (Resurrection Festival) continues until Pentecost, 50 days from now (June 8th). Pente – pentegram – 5 points on the star = Venus. Venus is Earth’s elder sister. Our God, Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days came from Venus. The Lords from Venus activated the seeds of our mind 18 million years ago. Earth, Venus, the Morning Star – Venusian. The Easter Paschal candle is made entirely from the wax the bees make (beeswax). “Accept this paschal (of passage), a solemn offering, the work of bees, drawn out by mother bees, a torch precious, a glowing fire of many flames united, never dimmed. This flame is found by the Morning Star (Christ & Venus), the star that never sets. The flame of Light overcoming the darkness of night, the Light shedding its peaceful light on humanity.” (Exaltant proclamation prayer at Easter) Bees (corn, wheat, ants), communities of living beings, are from Venus. In the coming weeks, continuing to participate with The Christ (the World Teacher). We are in Galilee now, with Christ & His inner esoteric group of disciples. From now till His Ascension celebration (40 days from now – May 29th). Christ teaches us the deep inner esoteric teachings. We learn while sleeping, while being very attentive to our daily live tasks. And by being attentive to our feelings, emotions and the thoughts that “drop into our minds.” Our minds are “impressed” with information during this time. Revelations occur. We keep an Esoteric Journal, writing down the thoughts & revelations. Pentecost occurs ten Days after Christ’s Ascension Christ does not leave the Earth plane – He resides in Shamballa, with His Father, the Lord of the World in Shamballa, Where the Will of God is Known. Christ, at 5 each day, stands on a hilltop, under a pine tree & recites the Great Invocation for the world. The NGWS join Him. He prepares for His Reappearance. Thus our Thursday meditations on the Reappearance of the Christ). Shamballa exists in the etheric, in the Gobi Desert) At Pentecost the Holy Spirit further impresses our minds with a Holy Fire, opening it up to further knowledge, gifts & abilities. So we may identify our gifts (Leo) and turn toward the world with our gifts & talents & serve the world (humanity & the kingdoms). The Tibetan has said in the coming new world religion (knowledge of astrology, the new/full moon festivals, reciting the Great Invocation, understanding the Ageless Wisdom teachings, Invocation/Evocation, etc.) two festivals would stand out – As we are aware of the suffering within humanity, at Pentecost we receive the baptism of holy fire. The light, the tongues of fire, descend and rest upon our heads. They bring to us illumination. We feel and know the power of the Holy Spirit (Ray 3, Divine Intelligence, the Mind of God). Our vision and understanding are quickened and our one aspiration is to serve humanity. We now live not for ourselves, but that our life may bless others. When we receive the holy blessing, we go forth into life to serve, to uplift, to heal, to comfort. All of these things we are preparing for… ***Continuing the Resurrection Stations 5. Jesus is known in the breaking of bread. ...They urged Christ, Stay with us, for it is nearly evening and the day is almost over. So He went in to stay with them. And while He was with them at the table, He took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them. With that, their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, but He vanished from their sight. Then they said to each other, Our hearts were burning within us while He spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us. (Luke 24: 29-32). 6. Christ appears to the disciples in Jerusalem. Why are you troubled, Christ asked? And why do questions arise in your hearts? Look at My hands and feet, that it is I myself. Touch me and see, because a ghost does not have flesh and bones as you can see I have, And as he said this, he showed them his hands and his feet (Luke 24: 38-40). 7. Christ gives the disciples his peace and the authority to proclaim the forgiveness of sins. Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, Peace be with you... The disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you. And when he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained (John 20: 19b, 20b-23). 8. Christ strengthens the faith of Thomas. Thomas...was not with them when Jesus came.... Thomas said, Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nail marks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe...Christ came...and stood in their midst and said, Peace be with you. Then He said to Thomas, Put your finger here and see My hands, and bring your hand and put it into My side, and do not be unbelieving, but believe...Blessed are those who do not see and yet believe. (John 20: 24- 29). *** **Uranus/Pluto SquareThe Exact Uranus/Pluto Squares – dates, signs & degrees: 1. June 24, 2012 - Uranus 8 Aries 23, Pluto 8 Capricorn 23 R 2. September 19, 2012 - Uranus 6 Aries 57 R, Pluto 6 Capricorn 57 degrees 3. May 20, 2013 - Uranus 11 Aries 14, Pluto 11 Capricorn 14 R 4. November 1, 2013 - Uranus 9 Aries 25 R, Pluto 9 Capricorn 25 degrees 5. April 21, 2014 - Uranus 13 Aries 34, Pluto 13 Capricorn 34 Retrograde 6. Dec 15, 2014 - Uranus 12 Aries 35 R, Pluto 12 Capricorn 35 degrees 7. March 16, 2015 - Uranus 15 Aries 18, Pluto 15 Capricorn 18 degrees *** Esoteric HomeWork – drawing the maps & the bees in our Esoteric Journals. So we can visualize & know our geography. So we can come close to the bees. Learning together today, each day. Walking toward Galilee. Receiving the deeper esoteric truths. Waiting, watching. Uplifting (dancing)…love, Risa Music (for the not so solemn during these days) – listen to the intro to the song – the best Beatle song – https://youtube/watch?v=iS0wuN_6wyw
Posted on: Mon, 21 Apr 2014 17:12:10 +0000

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