(Urban) farming in the rain. It still has to be done - the - TopicsExpress


(Urban) farming in the rain. It still has to be done - the difference is, its wonderful fun. This morning over breakfast we debated the merits of having a cow or some goats to complete the circle of sufficiency, and looked at methods of cabin roofing that would allow for a sleeping loft. Last night we had stealthily introduced the young chicklet cohort into the hutch of the mature chicken gang - you do it after dark so they all wake up together, and this is supposed to make them think Its Always Been This Way so they dont fight. Yeah. True story. So, this morning after second breakfast, we put on our Big Farmer rain-boots (yellow and black, and pink with polka dots) and hats to keep off the rain, and splashed out to the back forty to see if they were all still among the living. I confess, I felt like Christopher Robin. (Dont tell Auriel - I dont think shed appreciate being seen as Pooh.) Ms. Buffington was quietly fluffing her feathers in the laying box, staying in the shadows and keeping a very beady eye on the new kids, who were nervously exploring their newly enlarged home and staying pretty much clumped together for safety. Big Mama and Lacy were out of the hutch on the ground, making that mildly growl-y sound in the back of the throat that says, Im Soooo Not Sure About All This! Rain! Strangers! Polka Dots! Oh My! Big Mama stayed under the hutch and was relatively dry, but Lacy looked wet and bedraggled and betrayed. Lacy, by the by, is the Chief Hen in the barnyard. She pecked her way to the top, and by gum, shes determined to Stay There! We arranged plastic over the top of the run to give them all more dry space, checked their food and water, told them they were all very brave birds, and left for our warm kitchen, where there is people food and hot tea waiting. See? Fun!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 21:25:41 +0000

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