Urgent: Fast Track to WWIII? “USA’s Goal Is to Overturn - TopicsExpress


Urgent: Fast Track to WWIII? “USA’s Goal Is to Overturn Putin.” Note: this is analytical article based on current events, as well as a warning about how events may turn out if the wrong course of action is taken. For my actual long-term predictions on the topics below go to PREDICTIONS. This is the follow-up to: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Address re. Boeing 777 Catastrophe in Ukraine The last post was in response to a very interesting comment by a reader named Paul, which you can find by clicking on the link above. Paul Plane is incidentally the host of The Plane Truth Show on the Time Monk Radio. We just recorded a new interview, which will be posted in a couple of days – stay tuned. In response to my latest article, Paul posted a new comment, which I again found so interesting that I decided to post some additional thoughts. To keep it brief, I won’t post Paul’s comment here; to see it, please go to comment section in Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Address re. Boeing 777 Catastrophe in Ukraine. Lada’s reply to Paul’s latest comment: I understand Paul’s frustration. In part, he is right – there is the Russian elite issue, but not as much as it is portrayed to be. I have to disagree with Paul in part. And I must caution everyone who consider themselves friends of Russia and friends of humanity as a whole. I believe it’s best to remain positive here. I think I explained some of it in the previous article, as well as in our upcoming interview on The Plane Truth. This is not just another crisis. We are dealing with those who are trying to start a full-scale hot war in Europe. Putin’s caution is understandable, and frankly, so is the caution of the EU leaders. 300 people were just sacrificed to the mad attempt to start WWIII. This has to be absolutely clear. I am convinced that some on the ground actually thought they were shooting Russian Presidential plane! Think about it, it would have been so much easier to convince some angry (at Russia and Putin) Ukrainian to shoot down Putin’s plane than a plane full of innocent bystanders from the EU! If Putin’s plane were to be shot down – it would mean immediate declaration of war! We know who desperately wants this to happen, and who doesn’t! Of course, Putin’s security would never allow the plane to be flown over Ukraine, but someone there was told/thought it was the case. THEY want Russia to start a war with Ukraine, plain and simple! For those who haven’t yet, read Blatant #FalseFlag: #Ukraine Missile Targeted #Putin’s Plane – Hit Malaysia #MH17 Instead! It is also clear that downing a plane with primarily EU citizens on board is a direct attempt to further divide Russia and EU. Who benefits from such scenario? USA and Kiev junta only, the same parties who want to start Russia’s war with Ukraine, which is planned to become a full-scale hot war in Europe, smoothly transitioning into World War III! Of course the kiev shmucks are not privy to the real plans of washington and anglo-american elites (lc deliberate – LR). Is it any wonder after everything that happened, and keeps happening, that Putin is showing a strain? Can any of us even imagine the pressure he is under from all sides? Including – sadly – the sides that should be his allies, his friends, but keep nudging him to start a war, which I know, and he knows, will lead to global catastrophe? It just occurred to me that Paul’s words resemble what Russian geopolitical analyst Alexander Dugin, a former advisor to Putin, has been saying. I don’t follow Dugin; he is a smart man, but I think his attitude is very angry and unhelpful to the resolution of this difficult situation. Actually, with his constant criticism of late of Putin’s actions, and calls for Russian intervention in Ukraine, he has angered a lot of people in Russia. It is counter-productive when analyst of such level forgets cold reason and starts running on emotions. For those who want to follow Russian analytics, I recommend the always in control and logical, as well as reasonable, Nikolay Starikov. This is Starikov’s latest video blog, where in the beginning he answers the Boeing 777 question. There are other interesting answers as well. Sorry, I can’t translate it at this time, but please try to use Google translator, if you need to. And I can assure you all, there is SO MUCH MORE that goes on behind the scenes. Can you imagine if you just learned US via their Kiev proxy tried to shoot down your plane? Clearly, this was a warning for Putin, an attempt to intimidate him, and ALL OTHER WORLD LEADERS. “Stop resisting our globalist agenda, or your personal plane is next.” We are talking trying to save the world from the ultimate war – because this war will be the last one. Short of accepting the escalation leading to WWIII, the only course of action Putin has right now is to SHIFT EUROPE away from the US. This is the only possible way to save Europe from war – and this is what Putin is busy doing. I said this in many, many of my previous articles; I explained it many times that it is Europe that decides the outcome; I also said on more than one occasion that the responsibility is on Merkel and Germany, as the political leader of Europe, to say no to what’s going on. Only Europe can put the end to this craziness peacefully (this is the key operational word here) by refusing to play on the side of the US and by siding with Russia. When Kiev nazis see they have no support from those they are trying so desperately to join, this whole house of cards will collapse and US warmongers will find themselves isolated. On the other hand, villas on the French Riviera by the Russian elite may play some role here. However, largely Russia wants to be, and Russia MUST BE, friends with Europe for the same reason it is friends with China – they are very close neighbors and partners. Russia is also close friends with South America for example, and that’s much further from the Eurasian continent. Russia would happily be friends with the US as well, the moment US stops trying to destroy Russia. Then I could happily stop writing these kinds of articles and go to Tibet to meditate. The view Russia (or at least Putin) takes, and so do I: we ALL share one space, we have one planet, and we should live in peace and cooperation on this planet. Please, everyone, think very deeply about what I just said. I explained it in so many previous articles already, that I think this is the last time I am going to explain it as there are so many other topics for me to write about. It is up to Europeans to engage and restore balance and justice, if you want it done quickly and peacefully! Europe, by its harmful and unnatural position of siding with the US warmongers against Russia, which against all odds is trying to keep world peace, is what is allowing this conflict to escalate. IF Europeans didn’t happily acquiesce to the subservient symbiosis with the US, many of the atrocities in Ukraine could have been avoided, and many lives could have been saved. IF EU didn’t support and encourage the Kiev junta, Kiev oligarchs wouldn’t be this bold and US wouldn’t dare escalate the situation so openly. Look what happened in Syria when the EU refused to participate! Russia can continue fighting this alone, but it will be a long and arduous journey. Unless you, Europeans, make your governments act in YOUR best interests! Last but not least, I want to remind everyone not to confuse non-confrontation with weakness. See, US and NATO understand the difference very well, and this is why they won’t dare attack Russia directly. They know how it will end for the attacker. Read this article in conjunction with: Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Address re. Malaysian Airliner Catastrophe in Ukraine ***** The events are evolving very quickly. As I am writing this, new info keeps surfacing. Unfortunately, I hear that the EU is threatening Russia with new sanctions because of the Boeing 777 catastrophe. Before any investigation has begun? Based on the accusations of Kiev and USA, the only two parties that stood to benefit from the tragedy and the two parties that are well-known for their lies? Should I forget everything I said previously that Europeans have some sense and reason? Well, I can tell you all: if Europe does initiate a new round of sanctions against Russia based on false pretense, they may break even Putin’s staunch, undying resolve for peaceful resolution. Then help us all god, or perhaps I should say – humans will get what they deserve? Perhaps humans don’t deserve peace; perhaps they can only learn from war. I do understand Paul’s frustration better and better. Let’s just remember: this kind of reaction to their provocations is EXACTLY what the US wants. And since we are almost exactly 100 years into the future from the start of WWI in 1914, let me remind you all that this is exactly how escalation to WWI happened! And this is exactly how escalation to WWII happened. The brainless British Empire and USA kept bullying, provoking, appeasing and buying off Hitler, despite Stalin’s attempts for years to create and anti-fascist alliance with the West. They kept nudging Hitler to attack USSR, hoping their two biggest rivals – Germany and Russia (USSR) will destroy each other. The escalation that lasted several years, culminated in WWII. Incidentally, the above warning to humanity similarly sounds loud and clear in my top-rated mystical thriller THE EARTH SHIFTER, which you can find on Amazon and BN. Today, USA and Anglo-American elites want to pit Russia and EU against each other for the same purpose! Those who don’t know history are on fast track to repeat it. ****** In conclusion, here are the links to the important brand new videos – some in Russian, some in English. Please use google translation, if necessary. Russian Ambassador Vitaly Churkin drops bombs at UN Security Council! Ukraine track record: Russian plane was downed by Ukraine in 2001, 78 dead and despite international investigation concluding it was Ukraine’s fault, to this day Ukraine didn’t admit responsibility. Ukraine credibility: Kiev lied and falsified info re. Boeing 777 downing on 7/17/2014: 1. the tape of Donbass self-defence commanders discussing downing of a plane turned out a fake slapped together from 6 different conversations, some that happened before this catastrophe; 2. footage of a BUK system supposedly belonging to Donbass self-defence and retreating towards Russia turned out to be filmed in the area of Ukraine controlled by Kiev government and far from positions of Donbass self-defence. Watch video. 1. Игорь Коротченко: Объективные факты Минобороны РФ по Boeing 777 _ 21 07 2014 -Russian Ministry of Defence expert Igor Korotchenko: Objective facts re Boeing 777. 2. Минобороны России представило данные Генштаба относительно крушения Boeing 777 на Украине – Ministry of Defence data re Boeing 777 crash 3. ‘Burden is on Russia: Barack Obama’s MH17 crash speech – 1984, anyone? 4. Must see! ‘Why did Ukraine SU-25 fly same path as MH17, simultaneously at same altitude?’ – Russian Military English 5. Russian hospital: Wounded Ukraine army soldiers cross to Russian territory, where their ENEMY takes care of them in hospitals, since their own army either finishes off the wounded, or just leaves them behind. Footage of actual wounded Ukraine soldiers in the Russian hospital: Раненые украинские солдаты проходят лечение в России 6. Бородай: Мы намерены передать «черные ящики» с Boeing 777 специалистам из ICAO – Donetsk head Borodai: we will transfer black boxes to ICAO only 7. Ожесточённые бои вокруг Донецка #NoKievNazi #SaveDonbassPeople 21 07 2014 – out of control attacks by Kiev junta military on Donetsk Incidentally, Kiev used the Boeing downing to take the initiative away from the Donbass self-defence (who were gaining), to regroup and re-start their offensive. So, who benefitted from this catastrophe? – LR. 8. Must see! Malaysian Airlines plane crash: Russian military unveil data on MH17 incident over Ukraine! FULL press conference! English https://youtube/watch…
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 03:00:51 +0000

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