Useful Idiots Why do Euro-White countries keep the - TopicsExpress


Useful Idiots Why do Euro-White countries keep the immigrant-floodgates wide open when so many Canadians, Irishmen, Americans, Australians, New Zealanders, British or other Europeans are unemployed, or under-employed in their respective nations?... Because mass influxes of 3rd-world immigrants into our countries is NOT about jobs, nor growing our economy, nor replacing the ageing workers, nor “helping” poor nations. Nevertheless, those are the untenable reasons given for maintaining mass NON-white immigration into our predominately White nations. Those reasons don’t make any sense, especially in today’s tight labor market. In a nutshell, the real purpose is aimed at the White race and the weakening of White Christian majorities in White homogeneous nations for the sole purpose of ushering in the “New World Order“. The more squabbling, the more dis-united, and the more racially incompatible we become then, all that much better for the hidden rulers who manage this agenda. It just becomes easier to divide and rule them (“Order out of Chaos” – Masonic motto) when incompatible peoples are introduced into stable, White majority countries. This constant prattle about employment and economic statistics is just “smoke and mirrors” used to distract people away from the real goal which is racial and religious strife at any cost! (Look around you at the ever increasing chaos surrounding you today, compared to the relative domestic peace we experienced up to 20-25 years ago.) To make mass 3rd world, Non-white immigration more attractive, and thus more easily acceptable, several “fringe benefits” were attached to the package to help entice the various elements (politics, business, religious, ethnic, and gullible college students) into compliance. Those “benefits” serve to lure the unsuspecting ‘sheeple‘ into lending their unbridled support for their own suicide mission, and thus leading them to their own displacement. I agree with the definition of the multi-cultural horn blowers as being “emotionally-afflicted fanatics” (some of them). But that description only applies to the lower-level ‘Useful Idiots‘ who have been indoctrinated to “the cause“, and who’ve turned against their own people, including “racist” family members and friends who harbor divergent viewpoints from their own. Those Leftist/liberal fools would be attracted to any trendy fad. They need a cause for living, and have no idea they’ve been thoroughly brainwashed with meaningless slogans such as “diversity is strength“, or the “joys of diversity“. Those, and other Orwellian mantras are repeatedly broadcast into receptive minds, and many, actually believe these tailor-made lures used to snare the unwitting dupes amongst us. However, the sinister ideologues and master manipulators, the real power people who operate behind the scenes, and who set the trends that control those same Useful Idiots, are by no means wacky or “socially progressive” themselves. They know EXACTLY what they are doing. Do not underestimate your clever, but sinister enemy. This vast worldwide immigration destruction that we see taking shape before our eyes could not be so well planned, so thought-out in every detail, and so impressively effective as it is, if it were conceived by deranged lunatics. Not written by me .
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 21:43:24 +0000

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